Routines For Setting Up Windows.

Some devices are basically window oriented - like sunview and X11. You can give vogle some information on the window that it will use with these routines. These can make your code very device independent. Both routines take arguments which are in device space. (0, 0) is the top left hand corner in device space. To have any effect these routines must be called before vinit. For the X11 device, an entry may be made in your .Xdefaults file or loaded in with the xrdb(1) command:

   xrdb <<\EOF
   ! X11 Windows fonts to use for "small" and "large" fonts
   vogle*smallfont: fixed
   vogle*largefont: 9x15
   ! title on decoration bar for the window
   vogle*title: My VOGLE program
   ! window geometry and position, 
   ! overridden by prefsize(3c) and prefposition(3c)
   vogle.Geometry: =500x500-10+20

(where you specify your geometry as you please).

prefposition(x, y)

Specify the preferred position of the window opened by the *next* vinit.

        subroutine prefposition(x, y)
        integer x, y

        vogle_prefposition(x, y)
             int  x, y;

        procedure PrefPosition(x, y: integer)

prefsize(width, height)

Specify the preferred width and height of the window opened by the *next* vinit.

        subroutine prefsize(width, height)
        integer width, height

        vogle_prefsize(width, height)
             int  width, height;

        procedure PrefSize(width, height: integer)