Load a hardware font Use a hardware font at level 2 (scalable, rotatable) Read keyboard input mode where each clear starts a subwindow check into how to write an extended metafile directly #ident "@(#)VOGLE:driver/grwin.c - VOGLE driver for minGW/GRwin" #ident "@(#)VOGLE:author - John S. Urban" #ident "@(#)VOGLE:version - 1.0" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "GrWin.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #undef RECT #undef small #include "vogle.h" #define UNUSED -999 #define BUFSIZE 80 #define GRW_MAXVERTS 2000 #define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define CMAPSIZE 256 int colors=CMAPSIZE; static unsigned long carray[CMAPSIZE]; static unsigned long colour; static unsigned int h, w; /******************************************************************************/ /* PROTOTYPES */ int GRW_mapcolor(int i, int r, int g, int b); int GRW_color(int ind); int GRW_clear(void); int GRW_sync(void); int GRW_checkkey(void); /******************************************************************************/ /* initialises GRW display. */ int GRW_init(void) { int i; int x, y, prefx, prefy, prefxs, prefys; float fprefx, fprefy, fprefxs, fprefys; char *varname; varname=getenv("USHDRIVER"); if(varname==(char *)NULL) { varname="UNDEFINED"; } if (!strcmp(varname,"NOCLOSE")) { fprintf(stderr,"GRW_init: returning to GRW window\n"); GWopen(0); GWarrange(2); /* Arrange windows , tile horizontally */ }else{ fprintf(stderr,"GRW_init: starting new GRW window\n"); GWopen(0); } GWmode(3,0); /* turn off status bar */ GWmode(2,0); /* turn off bitmap buffering */ /* colors = MIN(CMAPSIZE,GWncolor()); fprintf(stderr,"*GRW_init* number of colors =%d\n",colors); */ vogle_getprefposandsize(&prefx, &prefy, &prefxs, &prefys); fprintf(stderr,"pref SIZE A %d %d %d %d\n",prefx,prefy,prefxs,prefys); if (prefxs > -1) { w = prefxs; h = prefys; } if (prefx > -1 ) { x = prefx; y = prefy; } GWgetwn(&fprefx,&fprefy,&fprefxs,&fprefys); fprintf(stderr,"SIZE X %f %f %f %f\n",fprefx,fprefy,fprefxs,fprefys); prefx=fprefx; prefy=fprefy; prefxs=fprefxs; prefys=fprefys; fprintf(stderr,"SIZE B %d %d %d %d\n",prefx,prefy,prefxs,prefys); prefxs=prefxs-prefx; prefys=prefys-prefy; vdevice.sizeX = vdevice.sizeY = MIN(prefys, prefxs); vdevice.sizeSx = prefxs; vdevice.sizeSy = prefys; /* Set our standard colors... */ vdevice.depth = log(colors)/log(2.0); carray[0] = 1; for (i = 1; i < colors; i++){ carray[i] = i; } /* try to get colors close to what's in the default colormap. */ GRW_mapcolor(0, 255, 255, 255); GRW_mapcolor(1, 255, 0, 0); GRW_mapcolor(2, 0, 255, 0); GRW_mapcolor(3, 255, 255, 0); GRW_mapcolor(4, 0, 0, 255); GRW_mapcolor(5, 255, 0, 255); GRW_mapcolor(6, 0, 255, 255); GRW_mapcolor(7, 0, 0, 0); if (strcmp(varname,"NOCLOSE")){ } if (strcmp(varname,"NOCLOSE")){ }else{ /* GRW_NEW(); */ } return(1); } /******************************************************************************/ /* GRW_exit cleans up before returning the window to normal. */ int GRW_exit(void) { char *varname; varname=getenv("USHDRIVER"); if(varname==NULL) { varname="UNDEFINED"; } if (!strcmp(varname,"NOCLOSE")) { fprintf(stderr,"GRW_exit: planning on returning to GRW window\n"); return(1); } /*GWquitx(0);*/ /* quit now */ GWquitx(-1); /* popup an ending dialog and then quit */ return(1); } /******************************************************************************/ /* draws a line from the current graphics position to (x, y). */ int GRW_draw(int x, int y) { GWline( vdevice.cpVx, vdevice.cpVy, x, y); return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* grab a character from the keyboard - blocks until one is there. */ int GRW_getkey(void){ float XM, YM ; int IRB; int MSEC=0; while(0 == 0){ GWidle(&IRB,&XM,&YM,MSEC); if(IRB>0)return((int)IRB); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* Check if there has been a keyboard key pressed and return it if there is. */ int GRW_checkkey(void) { return(0); } /******************************************************************************/ /* return the window location of the cursor, plus which mouse button, * if any, has been pressed. * Using alphanumerics instead of mouse clicks to simulate a 3-key mouse */ int GRW_locator(int *wx, int *wy) { float XM, YM ; int IRB; int MSEC=0; int mask; /* GWmouse( &IRB, &XM, &YM); GWcappnt(&XM,&YM,"Click at any point"); */ *wy = (int)YM; *wx = (int)XM; GWidle(&IRB,&XM,&YM,MSEC); fprintf(stderr,"%f %f %d %d \n",XM,YM,IRB,MSEC); mask=0; if ( IRB > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"%c\n",IRB); } switch(IRB) { case '0': case 'q': mask=mask+0; break; case 'c': case '1': mask=mask+1; break; case 'b': case '2': case -2: mask=mask+2; break; case 'B': case '3': mask=mask+3; break; case 'a': case '4': case -1: mask=mask+4; break; case 'C': case '5': mask=mask+5; break; case 'A': case '6': mask=mask+6; break; case 'X': case '7': mask=mask+7; break; default: if ( IRB > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "unknown mouse character %c\n",IRB); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"unknown mouse value %d\n",IRB); } fprintf(stderr, "Key 123 (mouse key number)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-- - --- 1 is down, 0 is up)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 0 q 000\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 1 c 001\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 2 b 010\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 3 B 011\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 4 a 100\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 5 C 101\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 6 A 110\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 7 X 111\n"); } return(mask); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [C] int GWidle(int *ICH, float *X, float *y, int MSEC); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description Leaves the status of the application in idling mode, during which the control is not returned and the execution of the application is suspended, until a keyboard input or a mouse button down is detected, or the specified time is elapsed. In the idling mode the menu operations, e.g. Print, and moves of the mouse pointer by the cursor keys can be done. Input MSEC = the maximum elapsed time (milliseconds) for the idling. If 0 or a negative value is specified, the maximum elapsed time is set as 300000 (5 minutes). Output IRTN = the elapsed time (milliseconds) ICH > 0: the key code (ASCII) for the detected nonsystem key down = 0: the specified elapsed time expired -1: the left mouse button down was detected -2: the right mouse button down was detected X = the world x-coordinate of the mouse pointer Y = the world y-coordinate of the mouse pointer */ } /******************************************************************************/ /* Clear the screen (or current buffer )to current colour */ int GRW_clear(void) { GWclear(-1); /* flush the previously drawn frames in this window */ GWclear(carray[colour]); /* set the background color */ return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* set the line width in units of 1/10000 of X size */ int GRW_setlw(int line_width) { line_width=(float)vdevice.sizeX/10000.0*line_width; line_width=abs(line_width); GWsetpen(-1, 1, line_width,4); return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* set the current drawing color index if ind >= 0. * set the line width in raster units if ind < 0. */ int GRW_color(int ind) { if ( ind < 0 ) { GRW_setlw(abs(ind)); } else { colour = ind; } GWsetpen(carray[colour],-1, -1,-1); /* pen color */ GWsetbrs(carray[colour],1,-1); /* polygon fill color */ GWsettxt(-1,1.0,1,carray[colour],-1," "); /* text color */ return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* change index i in the color map to the appropriate r, g, b, value. */ int GRW_mapcolor(int i, int r, int g, int b) { if (i >= colors) return(-1); if (i < 0) return(-2); carray[i]=GWkrgb(r,g,b); return(0); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Set up a hardware font. Return 1 on success 0 otherwise. */ int GRW_font(char *fontfile) { if (strcmp(fontfile, "small") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(fontfile, "large") == 0) { } else { } vdevice.hheight = 0; vdevice.hwidth = 0; return(1); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Display a string at the current drawing position. */ int GRW_string(char s[]) { /* XDrawString(vdevice.cpVx, (int)(vdevice.cpVy), s, strlen(s)); gwsettxt(heightoffont,angle_degrees+ccw,-1,-1,-1,' ') gwputtxt(x,y,txt) */ return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* outputs one hardware char */ int GRW_char(char c) { char s[2]; s[0] = c; s[1]='\0'; GRW_string(s); return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* fill a polygon */ int GRW_fill(int n, int x[], int y[]) { float plist[2*GRW_MAXVERTS]; int i; if (n > GRW_MAXVERTS) { fprintf(stderr, "GRW_fill: more than %d points in a polygon\n",GRW_MAXVERTS); GWmove2(x[0],y[0]); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { GWline2(x[i],y[i]); } GWline2(x[0],y[0]); vdevice.cpVx = x[0]; vdevice.cpVy = y[0]; }else if ( n < 1){ fprintf(stderr, "GRW_fill: number of points in polygon %d too small\n",n); }else{ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { plist[2*i] = x[i]; plist[2*i+1] = y[i]; } GWpolygon(plist, n, -1); vdevice.cpVx = x[0]; vdevice.cpVy = y[0]; } return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Syncronise the display with what we think has been sent to it... */ int GRW_sync(void) { return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* the device entry */ /* no operations - do nothing but return -1 */ static int noop(void) { return(-1); } static DevEntry GRWdev = { "grwin", /* name of device */ "large", /* name of large font */ "small", /* name of small font */ noop, /* Set drawing in back buffer GRW_backbuf, */ GRW_char, /* Draw a hardware character */ GRW_checkkey, /* Check if a key was hit */ GRW_clear, /* Clear the screen to current color */ GRW_color, /* Set current color */ GRW_draw, /* Draw a line */ GRW_exit, /* Exit graphics */ GRW_fill, /* Fill a polygon */ GRW_font, /* Set hardware font */ noop, /* Set drawing in front buffer GRW_swapbuf, */ GRW_getkey, /* Wait for and get the next key hit */ GRW_init, /* Initialize the device */ GRW_locator, /* Get mouse/cross hair position */ GRW_mapcolor, /* Set color indices */ GRW_setlw, /* Set line width */ GRW_string, /* Draw a hardware string */ noop, /* Swap front and back buffers GRW_swapbuf */ GRW_sync /* Syncronize the display */ }; /******************************************************************************/ /* copy the GRW device into */ int _GRW_devcpy() { = GRWdev; return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/