#ident "@(#)VOGLE:driver/cgmt.c - VOGLE driver for CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) clear text" #ident "@(#)VOGLE:author : John S. Urban" #ident "@(#)VOGLE:version : 1.3, Jan 1997" /* ================================================================================ Computer Graphics Metafile clear text driver for VOGLE 1.3 Based on information contained in ANSI X3.122 - 1986 Thanks to Kurt Miller, Bettis Atomic Power Lab, without whom this driver would not have been written. John S. Urban, SGI http://reality.sgi.com/urban/index.html Created: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 Last Revised: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 Last Revised: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 -- backfitted to VOGLE 1.1 for USH ================================================================================ Many PC programs state they read CGM files. My experience has been that most such programs only read a small subset of the CGM standard. If you find such a program cannot read the CGM generated by this driver I have found two popular programs that can be used to convert the CGM clear text file generated by this driver to an appropriate binary format. In addition, they can be used to view and convert practically any CGM file: o gplot(1) from the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center o ralcgm(1) from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. ================================================================================ NEXT TIME IN: o Full hardware text support ================================================================================ NOTE: The current version of the CGM ANSI/ISO standard (commonly called CGM:1992) is: Information Processing Systems--Computer Graphics Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information, ANSI/ISO 8632-1992. This standard superseded the earlier CGM:1986 (ANSI X3.122-1986) ANSI standard. The CGM standard is contained in four ISO standards documents: ISO/IEC 8632-1:1992 Part 1: Functional Specification ISO/IEC 8632-3:1992 Part 2: Character Encoding ISO/IEC 8632-3:1992 Part 3: Binary Encoding ISO/IEC 8632-4:1992 Part 4: Clear Text Encoding These documents may be obtained from the following organizations: International Standards Organization (ISO) 1 rue de Varembe Case Postal 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Voice: +41 22 749 01 11 Fax: +41 22 733 34 30 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Sales Department 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018 Voice: 212.642.4900 Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Sales Group 178 Rexdale Blvd. Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 1R3 Voice: 416.747.4044 ================================================================================ */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "vogle.h" #define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define CGMT_X_SIZE 32767 #define CGMT_Y_SIZE 32767 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 extern FILE *fp; extern FILE *_voutfile(); static int first_time = TRUE, page_count = 1, drawn = FALSE, /* have we drawn anything on this page yet */ curcol = 0, /* draw black */ curwidth = 2, /* current line width in rasters */ CMAPSIZE_used = 0, plotlstx = -1, /* x position of last draw */ plotlsty = -1; /* y position of last draw */ #define CMAPSIZE 256 struct rgb_color{ unsigned short int red; unsigned short int green; unsigned short int blue; }; static struct rgb_color carray[CMAPSIZE]; /******************************************************************************/ /* change index i in the color map to the appropriate rgb value */ static int CGMT_mapcolor(int i, int r, int g, int b) { if(i >= CMAPSIZE ){ return(-1); } carray[i].red = (unsigned short)(r); carray[i].green = (unsigned short)(g); carray[i].blue = (unsigned short)(b); fprintf(fp,"COLRTABLE %d %d %d %d;\n",i+1,r,g,b); CMAPSIZE_used = MAX(CMAPSIZE_used,i+1); return(0); } /******************************************************************************/ static int CGMT_init(void){ /* set up graphic environment. Returns 1 on success. */ int CGMT_mapcolor(int i, int r, int g, int b); int i; fp = _voutfile(); if (!first_time) return(1); fputs("BEGMF 'THIS CGM CREATED BY VOGLE';\n",fp); fputs("% Computer Graphics Metatfile %\n",fp); fputs("% clear text CGM driver for VOGLE 1.3 %\n",fp); fputs("% Based on ANSI X3.122-1986 %\n",fp); fputs(" MFVERSION 1;\n",fp); fputs(" MFDESC 'VOGLE CLEAR TEXT CGM';\n",fp); fputs(" MFELEMLIST 'DRAWINGPLUS';\n",fp); fputs(" INTEGERPREC -32768 32767;\n",fp); fputs(" COLRPREC 255;\n",fp); fputs(" COLRINDEXPREC 255;\n",fp); /* reserve pen 0 for use by background */ fputs(" MAXCOLRINDEX 256;\n",fp); fputs(" COLRVALUEEXT 0 0 0 255 255 255;\n",fp); fputs("BEGMFDEFAULTS;\n",fp); fputs(" VDCINTEGERPREC 0 32767;\n",fp); fputs("ENDMFDEFAULTS;\n",fp); fputs("BEGPIC 'PICTURE1';\n",fp); fputs(" COLRMODE INDEXED;\n",fp); fputs(" BACKCOLR 255 255 255;\n",fp); fputs(" VDCEXT 0 0 32767 32767;\n",fp); fputs(" MARKERSIZEMODE ABSTRACT;\n",fp); fputs(" EDGEWIDTHMODE ABSTRACT;\n",fp); fputs(" SCALEMODE ABSTRACT 0;\n",fp); fputs(" LINEWIDTHMODE ABSTRACT;\n",fp); fputs("BEGPICBODY;\n",fp); fputs(" INTSTYLE SOLID;\n",fp); fputs(" LINETYPE 1;\n",fp); fputs(" LINEWIDTH 2;\n",fp); fputs(" TEXTCOLR 8;\n",fp); fputs(" LINECOLR 8;\n",fp); fputs(" EDGECOLR 8;\n",fp); fputs(" FILLCOLR 8;\n",fp); vdevice.sizeSx = CGMT_X_SIZE; vdevice.sizeSy = CGMT_Y_SIZE; vdevice.sizeX = vdevice.sizeY =CGMT_Y_SIZE; vdevice.depth = 8; for (i=0; i < CMAPSIZE; i++){ carray[i].red=0; carray[i].green=0; carray[i].blue=0; } CGMT_mapcolor(0, 255, 255, 255); CGMT_mapcolor(1, 255, 0, 0); CGMT_mapcolor(2, 0, 255, 0); CGMT_mapcolor(3, 255, 255, 0); CGMT_mapcolor(4, 0, 0, 255); CGMT_mapcolor(5, 255, 0, 255); CGMT_mapcolor(6, 0, 255, 255); CGMT_mapcolor(7, 0, 0, 0); CGMT_mapcolor(8, 155, 0, 0); CGMT_mapcolor(9, 0, 155, 0); CGMT_mapcolor(10, 155, 255, 255); CGMT_mapcolor(11, 155, 155, 0); CGMT_mapcolor(12, 0, 0, 155); CGMT_mapcolor(13, 155, 0, 155); CGMT_mapcolor(14, 0, 155, 155); CGMT_mapcolor(15, 100, 100, 100); /* print initial color table */ CMAPSIZE_used = 16; fputs ("COLRTABLE 1\n",fp); for( i = 0; i <CMAPSIZE_used; i++) { fprintf(fp," %d %d %d\n",carray[i].red, carray[i].green, carray[i].blue); } fputs(";\n",fp); plotlstx = -1111111; plotlsty = -1111111; return(1); } /******************************************************************************/ /* close the CGMT output file */ static int CGMT_exit(void) { fputs("ENDPIC;\n",fp); fputs("ENDMF;\n",fp); fflush(fp); if (fp != stdout && fp != stderr ){ fflush(fp); if(vdevice.writestoprocess == 2){ pclose(fp); }else{ fclose(fp); } } plotlstx = -1; plotlsty = -1; drawn = FALSE; first_time = TRUE; return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* draw to an x, y point. */ static int CGMT_draw(int x, int y) { if (plotlstx != vdevice.cpVx || plotlsty != vdevice.cpVy ){ plotlstx=vdevice.cpVx; plotlsty=vdevice.cpVy; } fprintf(fp, "LINE %d %d %d %d;\n", plotlstx, plotlsty, x, y); drawn = TRUE; plotlstx = x; plotlsty = y; return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ static int CGMT_setlw(int rasters){ /* line width in rasters */ curwidth=abs(rasters); curwidth=MAX(1,curwidth); if ( drawn != 0 ){ fprintf(fp, "LINEWIDTH %d;\n",curwidth*vdevice.sizeX/10000); } return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* flush the current page without resetting the graphics state */ static int CGMT_clear(void) { int i; if (drawn){ fputs("ENDPIC;\n",fp); page_count++; fprintf(fp,"BEGPIC 'PICTURE%d';\n",page_count); fputs(" COLRMODE INDEXED;\n",fp); fprintf(fp," BACKCOLR %d %d %d;\n",carray[curcol].red, carray[curcol].green, carray[curcol].blue); fputs(" VDCEXT 0 0 32767 32767;\n",fp); fputs(" LINEWIDTHMODE ABSTRACT;\n",fp); fputs(" MARKERSIZEMODE ABSTRACT;\n",fp); fputs(" EDGEWIDTHMODE ABSTRACT;\n",fp); fputs(" SCALEMODE ABSTRACT 0;\n",fp); fputs("BEGPICBODY;\n",fp); CGMT_setlw(curwidth); /* page-independent declaration */ /* print current color table */ fputs("COLRTABLE 1\n",fp); for ( i = 0; i <CMAPSIZE_used; i++){ fprintf(fp," %d %d %d\n",carray[i].red, carray[i].green, carray[i].blue); } fputs(";\n",fp); } drawn = FALSE; plotlstx = -1; plotlsty = -1; return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ static int CGMT_color(int col) { /* select one of the standard colors from the default pallet */ if(col >= CMAPSIZE ){ return(0); } else if ( col < 0 ){ CGMT_setlw(abs(col)); } else{ fprintf(fp,"LINECOLR %d;\n",col+1); fprintf(fp,"TEXTCOLR %d;\n",col+1); fprintf(fp,"EDGECOLR %d;\n",col+1); fprintf(fp,"FILLCOLR %d;\n",col+1); } return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* load in small or large */ static int CGMT_font(char *fontname) { if (strcmp(fontname, "small") == 0) { vdevice.hwidth = 22.0; vdevice.hheight = vdevice.hwidth = 1.833; } else if (strcmp(fontname, "large") == 0) { vdevice.hwidth = 35.0; vdevice.hheight = vdevice.hwidth = 1.833; } else{ return(0); } plotlstx = plotlsty = -1; return(1); } /******************************************************************************/ int CGMT_char(char c) { /* CGMT_char output a character */ fprintf(fp, "TEXT %d %d FINAL '%c';\n",plotlstx, plotlsty, c); plotlstx = vdevice.cpVx += (int)vdevice.hwidth; drawn = TRUE; return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ static int CGMT_string(char *s){ /* output a character string */ fprintf(fp, "TEXT %d %d FINAL '%s';\n",plotlstx, plotlsty, s); plotlstx = vdevice.cpVx += (int)vdevice.hwidth * (int)strlen(s) ; drawn = TRUE; return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* fill a polygon */ static int CGMT_fill(int n,int x[],int y[]) { int i; /* only put a linefeed into prints of polygon points every 5 sets of points */ static char linefeed[2] = {' ','\n'}; fprintf(fp, "INTSTYLE SOLID;\n"); fprintf(fp, "POLYGON\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%d %d%c", x[i], y[i], linefeed[(i % 6)/5]); } fprintf(fp, ";\n"); vdevice.cpVx = x[n - 1]; vdevice.cpVy = y[n - 1]; drawn = TRUE; return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ static int CGMT_sync(void){ fflush(fp); return(UNUSED); } /******************************************************************************/ /* no operations - do nothing but return -1 */ static int noop(void) { return(-1); } static int noop2(int *x, int *y) { return(-1); } /******************************************************************************/ static DevEntry CGMTdev = { "cgmt", /* name of device */ "large", /* name of large font */ "small", /* name of small font */ noop, /* Set drawing in back buffer */ CGMT_char, /* Draw a hardware character */ noop, /* Check if a key was hit */ CGMT_clear, /* Clear the screen to current color */ CGMT_color, /* Set current color */ CGMT_draw, /* Draw a line */ CGMT_exit, /* Exit graphics */ CGMT_fill, /* Fill a polygon */ CGMT_font, /* Set hardware font */ noop, /* Set drawing in front buffer */ noop, /* Wait for and get the next key hit */ CGMT_init, /* Initialize the device */ noop2, /* Get mouse/cross hair position */ CGMT_mapcolor, /* Set color indices */ CGMT_setlw, /* Set line width */ CGMT_string, /* Draw a hardware string */ noop, /* Swap front and back buffers */ CGMT_sync /* Syncronize the display */ }; /******************************************************************************/ /* copy the device into vdevice.dev. */ int _CGMT_devcpy(void) { vdevice.dev = CGMTdev; return(UNUSED); }