
Manual Reference Pages  - write_animated_gif (3)


write_animated_gif(3f) - [M_writegif_animated] Codes pixel-maps with palette into animated GIF format. Optional transparent color




subroutine write_animated_gif(filename,pixel,colormap,transparent,delay)

   character(len=*),intent(in)         :: filename
   integer,intent(in),dimension(:,:,:) :: pixel
   integer,intent(in),dimension(:,0:)  :: colormap
   integer,intent(in),optional         :: transparent
   integer,intent(in),optional         :: delay


Writes gif89 image, given pixel array and color map. This version can create an animated gif.


  file to create or replace
Pixel Pixel values 0 to ncol
  Color map (RGB 0:255 for colours 0:ncol)
  Transparent color; optional
Delay Delay time [ 1/100 of seconds]; optional


Sample call:

   program demo_write_animated_gif
   !> author: Jacob Williams
   !  Use the gif module to create a sample animated gif.
   !# See also
   !  * [Make a circle illusion animation](http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/34887/make-a-circle-illusion-animation)
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: wp=>real64
   use M_writegif_animated, only : write_animated_gif
   implicit none
   logical,parameter :: new = .true.
   integer,parameter  :: n        = 200  !! size of image (square)
   real(wp),parameter :: rcircle  = n/2  !! radius of the big circle
   integer,parameter  :: time_sep = 5    !! deg
   real(wp),parameter :: deg2rad = acos(-1.0_wp)/180.0_wp
   integer,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: pixel    !! pixel values
   real(wp),dimension(2) :: xy
   real(wp)              :: r,t
   integer               :: i,j,k,row,col,m,n_cases,ang_sep,iframe
   integer,dimension(3,0:5)  :: colormap
   integer,parameter  :: white = 0
   integer,parameter  :: gray  = 1
   integer,parameter  :: red   = 2
   integer,parameter  :: green = 3
   integer,parameter  :: blue  = 4
   integer,parameter  :: black = 5
   colormap(:,black) = [0,0,0]
   colormap(:,white) = [255,255,255]
   colormap(:,gray)  = [200,200,200]
   colormap(:,red)   = [255,0,0]
   colormap(:,green) = [0,255,0]
   colormap(:,blue)  = [0,0,255]
   if (new) then
       ang_sep = 5
       n_cases = 3
       ang_sep = 20
       n_cases = 0
   end if
   !how many frames:
   do k=0,355,time_sep
   end do
   do k=0,355,time_sep
       !frame number:
       !clear entire image:
       pixel(iframe,:,:) = white
       if (new) call draw_circle(n/2,n/2,red,n/2)
       !draw polar grid:
       do j=0,180-ang_sep,ang_sep
           do i=-n/2, n/2
               call spherical_to_cartesian(dble(i),dble(j)*deg2rad,xy)
               call convert(xy,row,col)
               if (new) then
                   pixel(iframe,row,col) = gray
                   pixel(iframe,row,col) = black
               end if
           end do
       end do
       !draw dots:
       do m=0,n_cases
           do j=0,360-ang_sep,ang_sep
               r = sin(m*90.0_wp*deg2rad + (k + j)*deg2rad)*rcircle
               t = dble(j)*deg2rad
               call spherical_to_cartesian(r,t,xy)
               call convert(xy,row,col)
               if (new) then
                   !call draw_circle(row,col,black,10)    !v2
                   !call draw_circle(row,col,m,5)         !v2
                   call draw_circle(row,col,mod(j,3)+3,5) !v3
                   call draw_square(row,col,red)          !v1
               end if
           end do
       end do
   end do
   call write_animated_gif(’circle_illusion.gif’,pixel,colormap,delay=5)
   !> author: Jacob Williams
   !  Draw a square.
   subroutine draw_square(r,c,icolor)
   implicit none
   integer,intent(in) :: r      !! row of center
   integer,intent(in) :: c      !! col of center
   integer,intent(in) :: icolor !! color value
   integer,parameter :: d = 10 !square size
       pixel(iframe,max(0,r-d):min(n,r+d),max(0,c-d):min(n,c+d)) = icolor
   end subroutine draw_square
   !> author: Jacob Williams
   !  Draw a circle.
   subroutine draw_circle(r,c,icolor,d)
   implicit none
   integer,intent(in) :: r      !! row of center
   integer,intent(in) :: c      !! col of center
   integer,intent(in) :: icolor !! color value
   integer,intent(in) :: d      !! diameter
   integer :: i,j
       do i=max(0,r-d),min(n,r+d)
           do j=max(0,c-d),min(n,c+d)
               if (sqrt(dble(i-r)**2 + dble(j-c)**2)<=d) &
                   pixel(iframe,i,j) = icolor
           end do
       end do
   end subroutine draw_circle
   !> author: Jacob Williams
   !  Convert from x,y to row,col.
   subroutine convert(xy,row,col)
   implicit none
   real(wp),dimension(2),intent(in) :: xy  !! coordinates
   integer,intent(out) :: row
   integer,intent(out) :: col
      row = int(-xy(2) + n/2.0_wp)
      col = int( xy(1) + n/2.0_wp)
   end subroutine convert
   !> author: Jacob Williams
   !  Convert spherical to cartesian coordinates.
   subroutine spherical_to_cartesian(r,theta,xy)
   implicit none
   real(wp),intent(in) :: r
   real(wp),intent(in) :: theta
   real(wp),dimension(2),intent(out) :: xy
      xy(1) = r * cos(theta)
      xy(2) = r * sin(theta)
   end subroutine spherical_to_cartesian
   end program demo_write_animated_gif


o Version 1.01, August 1999, Written by Jos Bergervoet
o 2008 Jan 28: Modified by Clive Page to use stream I/O, array as colourmap.
o Jacob Williams, 7/27/2014. Refactored, updated, added ability to export animated gifs.
o Minor modifications to make more easily used with M_PIXEL(3f) module, 2017-July-06, John Urban


Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jacob Williams. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
o Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "AS IS" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright holder or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) However caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (Including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

write_animated_gif (3) October 17, 2020
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