
Manual Reference Pages  - ufpp (1)


ufpp(1) - [DEVELOPER] pre-process FORTRAN source files (LICENSE:PD)




ufpp [[-D] define_list] [-I include_directories] [-i input_file(s)] [-o output_file] [-html] [-system] [-q] [-verbose] [-header text_for_first_line] [-ident] [-prefix character_ADE] [-keeptabs] [-header text_for_first_line] [-noenv] [-width n] [-debug] [-d ignore|remove|blank] [-cstyle default|doxygen] [-allow_links] [-version] [-help [-html]]


define_list, -D define_list
  An optional space-delimited list of expressions used to define variables before file processing commences.
-i input_file(s)
  The default input file is stdin. Filenames are space-delimited. In a list, @ represents stdin.
-o output_file
  The default output file is stdout.
-I include_directories
  The directories to search for files specified on $INCLUDE directives.
-prefix ADE|letter
  The default directive prefix character is "$". Alternatives may be specified by providing an ASCII Decimal Equivalent (Common values are 37=% 42=* 35=# 36=$ 64=@). If the value is not numeric t is assumed to be a literal character.
-html Assumes the input file is HTML that follows the following rules:
1. Input lines are not output until a simple <XMP> directive is found.
2. Output stops when a simple </XMP> directive is encountered. This allows code to be maintained as part of an HTML document.
-help [-html]
  Display documentation and exit. If "-html" is present, write documentation as basic HTML, instead of as a text file.
  All commands on a $SYSTEM directive are echoed to stderr with a + prefix. Text following the string "@(#)" is printed to stderr similar to the Unix command what(1) but is otherwise treated as other text input.
-noenv The $IFDEF and $IFNDEF directives test for an internal ufpp(1) variable and then an environment variable by default. This option turns off testing for environment variables.
-ident The output of the $IDENT directive is in the form of a comment by default. If this flag is set the output is of the form
                 character(len=*),parameter :: ident_NNN="@(#) string"

  so executables and object code contain the metadata for use with the what(1) command. This generates an unused variable with some compilers might optimized away depending on what options are used.
  Allow system commands on $SYSTEM directives to be executed.
-q Quiet mode. Output is initially off and only turned on if in a conditional block.
  By default tab characters are expanded assuming a stop has been set every eight columns; and trailing carriage-return characters are removed. Use this flag to prevent this processing from occurring.
  If $UFPP_DOCUMENT_DIR is set the $FILTER -file option will write input to a file under the specified directory in a subdirectory called doc/ that by default is not permitted to have a link. To allow it to have a link add this switch.
  try to style comments generated in $FILTER blocks for other utilities such as doxygen. Default is to prefix lines with ’! ’. Allowed keywords are currently "default", "doxygen".
-d ignore|remove|blank
  Enable special treatment for lines beginning with "d" or "D" The letter will be left as-is (the default); removed; or replaced with a blank character. This non-standard syntax has been used to support the optional compilation of "debug" code by many Fortran compilers when compiling fixed-format Fortran source.
-debug [.false.]
  Dee’d lines as controlled by the -d option are traditionally used with fixed-format sources. This is an alternative to use for free-format sources.

NOTE: It has no effect unless the environment variable DEBUGVERSION is set to T|F, which activates the mode and sets the default for the -d switch.

assuming DEBUGVERSION is set use the following syntax

                      DEBUGVERSION: block
                         ! the block of debug statements
                         write(*,*) ’debug @@@’,@@@
                      endblock DEBUGVERSION

These blocks are now removed when the debug mode is .false.. If the debug mode is on they are written with the following rules where nnn is an incrementing count of the number of "DEBUGVERSION:" strings:
o The string "DEBUGVERSION" is replaced with D_nnn
o "@@@" is replaced with nnn
o do NOT use the string "DEBUGVERSION" except to start or end the block of debug statements

NB.: IMPORTANT!! This means when this mode is activated by the DEBUGVERSION environment variable being set the string DEBUGVERSION is a magic string and should not be used in input files unless the input file starts with "$DEBUG never".

  Display version and exit
-width n
  Maximum line length of the output file. Default is 1024. Typically used to trim fixed-format FORTRAN code that contains comments or "ident" labels past column 72 when compiling fixed-format Fortran code.


By default the stand-alone pre-processor ufpp(1) will interpret lines with "$" in column one, and will output no such lines. Other input is conditionally written to the output file based on the directives encountered in the input.

The syntax for the control lines is as follows:

     $DEFINE   variable_name[=expression]                 [! comment ]
     $ERROR    message_to_stderr                          [! comment ]
     $IF       {constant LOGICAL expression}              [! comment ]
     $IFDEF    {variable_name}                            [! comment ]
     $IFNDEF   {variable_name}                            [! comment ]
               { sequence of source statements}
     [$ELSEIF  {constant LOGICAL expression}              [! comment ]
               { sequence of source statements}]
     [$ELSE                                               [! comment ]
               { sequence of source statements}]
     $ENDIF                                               [! comment ]
     $IDENT    metadata                                   [! comment ]
     $@(#)     metadata                                   [! comment ]
     $INCLUDE  filename                                   [! comment ]
     $OUTPUT   filename  [-append]                        [! comment ]
     $FILTER   [comment|write|help|version] |
               [shell [-cmd NAME]] |
               [variable [-varname NAME]]
               [-file NAME [-append]]                     [! comment ]
     $DOCUMENT and $FILTER are synonyms for $BLOCK
     $PRINTENV predefined_name|environment_variable_name  [! comment ]
     $SHOW                                                [! comment ]
     $STOP {stop_value}                                   [! comment ]
     $SYSTEM system_command                               [! comment ]
     $DEBUG ON|OFF|NEVER                                  [! comment ]
     $UNDEFINE variable_name                              [! comment ]
     $WARNING  message_to_stderr                          [! comment ]
     $MESSAGE  message_to_stderr                          [! comment ]
     $ASSERT   insert call to ASSERT(3f) to print         [! comment ]
               filename,linenumber,message to stderr and
               end program. Filename and linenumber are
               taken from file being processed by ufpp(1)

Compiler directives are specified by a "$" in column one, followed by a keyword.

An exclamation character on a valid directive begins an in-line comment that is terminated by an end-of-line.

Any LOGICAL expression composed of integer constants, parameters and operators, is valid. Operators are

     .NOT.  .AND.  .OR.  .EQV.  .NEQV.  .EQ.  .NE.  .GE.
     .GT.   .LE.   .LT.  +      -       *     /     (
     )      **


$ASSERT expression [,values]

If debug mode is activated then then input line

      $ASSERT i .gt. 10, ’I=’, i, ’bigger than’, 10


      call assert(filename, linenumber, i.gt.10, ’I=’, ’bigger than’, 10)

and if "I" were 2000, would produce the output

      ERROR:filename: xx.ff :line number: 32070 : I= 2000.00000 bigger than 10
      STOP 1

The manpage for ASSERT(3f) describes the meaning of the parameters in greater detail, but the filename will be the name of the file that was processed by ufpp(1), the line number will be the linenumber of the file processed by ufpp, and everything else on the $ASSERT directive is passed directly to ASSERT(3f). Note that the first parameter passed on $ASSERT must be a logical expression.

The ASSERT(3f) procedure must be in the load path and the "call assert" must be written to the ufpp(1) output file in a scope where

      use, M_verify, only : assert

has made the assert(3f) procedure available.


The $ASSERT directive will not be written to the output file unless the environment variable DEBUGVERSION=T and the -debug switch is present on the ufpp.

      program demo_assert_directive
      use M_verify, only : assert
      $ASSERT  a .le. 10, a,’bigger than’,10
      end program demo_assert_directive

#!/bin/bash export DEBUGVERSION=T ufpp -debug -i xx.ff -o xx.f90 cat xx.f90 f90 xx.f90 -o xx ./xx

The $ASSERT directive becomes:

      call assert( "xx.ff", 4 , a .le. 10, a,’bigger than’,10 )

Sample output:

      ERROR:filename: xx.ff :line number: 4 : 2000.00000 bigger than 10
      STOP 1

$DEFINE variable_name [=expression]

A $DEFINE may appear anywhere in a source file. If the value is ".TRUE." or ".FALSE." then the parameter is of type LOGICAL, otherwise the parameter is of type INTEGER and the value must be an INTEGER. If no value is supplied, the parameter is of type INTEGER and is given the value 1.

Constant parameters are defined from the point they are encountered in a $DEFINE directive until program termination unless explicitly undefined with a $UNDEFINE directive.


    $define A=1
    $define B=1
    $define C=2
    $if ( A + B ) / C .eq. 1
       (a+b)/c is one

$ERROR message

Write message to stderr and display program condition and exit program.

$IF/$ELSEIF/$ELSE/$ENDIF directives

Each of the control lines delineates a block of FORTRAN source. If the expression following the $IF is ".TRUE.", then the lines of FORTRAN source following are output. If it is ".FALSE.", and an $ELSEIF follows, the expression is evaluated and treated the same as the $IF. If the $IF and all $ELSEIF expressions are ".FALSE.", then the lines of source following the $ELSE are output. A matching $ENDIF ends the conditional block.

$IFDEF/$IFNDEF directives

$IFDEF and $IFNDEF are special forms of the $IF directive that simply test if a variable name is defined or not. Essentially, these are equivalent:

     $IFDEF varname  ==> $IF DEFINED(varname)
     $IFNDEF varname ==> $IF .NOT. DEFINED(varname)

except that environment variables are tested as well if the -noenv option is not specified.

$IDENT metadata [-language fortran|c|shell]

Writes a line using SCCS-metadata format of the following forms:


  If the commandline option -ident is set
                  ! ident_NNN="@(#)metadata"

c #ident "@(#)metadata"
shell #@(#) metadata

This string is generally included for use with the what(1) command.

The default language is fortran. Depending on your compiler, the optimization level used when compiling, these strings may or may not remain in the object files and executables created.

Do not use the characters double-quote, greater-than, backslash (">\) in the metadata; do not use strings starting with " -" either.

$INCLUDE filename

Nested read of specified input file. Fifty (50) nesting levels are allowed.

$OUTPUT filename [-append]

Specify the output file to write to. Overrides the initial output file specified with command line options. If no output filename is given revert back to initial output file. @ is a synonym for stdout.

      -append [.true.|.false]

Named files open at the beginning by default. Use the -append switch to append to the end of an existing file instead of overwriting it.


If the name of an uppercase environment variable is given the value of the variable will be placed in the output file. If the value is a null string or if the variable is undefined output will be stopped. This allows the system shell to generate code lines. This is usually used to pass in information about the compiler environment. For example:

     # If the following command were executed in the bash(1) shell...

export STAMP=" write(*,*)’’COMPILED ON:‘uname -s‘;AT ‘date‘’’"

the environment variable STAMP would be set to something like

     write(*,*)’’COMPILED ON:Eureka;AT Wed, Jun 12, 2013  8:12:06 PM’’

A version number would be another possibility

     export VERSION="      program_version=2.2"

Special predefined variable names are:

     Variable Name      Output
     UFPP_DATE  ......  UFPP_DATE="12:58 14Jun2013"
     Where code is assumed to have defined UFPP_DATE as CHARACTER(LEN=15)
     UFPP_FILE  ......  UFPP_FILE="current filename"
     Where code is assumed to have defined UFPP_FILE as CHARACTER(LEN=1024)
     UFPP_LINE  ......  UFPP_LINE=    nnnnnn
     Where code is assumed to have defined UFPP_LINE as INTEGER

This example shows one way how an environment variable can be turned into a write statement

     $filter write
     $ifdef HOME
     $printenv HOME
        HOME not defined
     $filter end

Sample output


$FILTER [comment|write|help|version|shell[ -cmd COMMAND]] [-file NAME][! comment] $FILTER VARIABLE -varname NAME

      COMMENT:   write text prefixed by an exclamation and a space
      WRITE:     write text as Fortran WRITE(3f) statements
      HELP:      write text as a subroutine called HELP_USAGE
      VERSION:   write text as a subroutine called HELP_VERSION
                 prefixing lines with @(#) for use with the what(1) command.
      NULL:      Do not write to output file
      SHELL:     run text in block as a shell and replace with the stdout
                 generated by the shell. The shell may be specified by the -cmd
                 option. The default shell is bash(1).
      VARIABLE:  write as a text variable. The name may be defined using the
                 -varname switch. Default name is "textblock".
      END:       End block of documentation

Causes documentation to be altered in output so it is easily maintained as plain text. This is useful for keeping help text or man pages as part of a source file.

It is assumed the output will not generate lines over 132 columns. FORTRAN is currently the only language supported. A blank value resumes normal output processing. The Fortran generated is free-format Fortran 2003.

So the text can easily be processed by other utilities such as markdown(1) or txt2man(1) to produce man(1) pages and HTML documents the file can be written as-is to $UFPP_DOCUMENT_DIR/doc/NAME with the -file parameter. If the environment variable $UFPP_DOCUMENT_DIR is not set the option is ignored.


Shows current state of ufpp(1); including variable names and values; and the name of the current input files. All output is preceded by an exclamation character.


    ufpp A=10 B C D -o paper
    $define z=22

!====================================================================== ! *ufpp* CURRENT STATE ! *ufpp* TOTAL LINES READ ............ 2 ! *ufpp* CONDITIONAL_NESTING_LEVEL.... 0 ! *ufpp* DATE......................... 11:18 21Jun2013 ! *ufpp* ARGUMENTS ................... A=10 B C D -o paper ! *ufpp* VARIABLES: ! *ufpp* ! A ! 10 ! *ufpp* ! B ! 1 ! *ufpp* ! C ! 1 ! *ufpp* ! D ! 1 ! *ufpp* ! Z ! 22 ! *ufpp* OPEN FILES: ! *ufpp* ! ---- ! UNIT ! LINE NUMBER ! FILENAME ! *ufpp* ! 1 ! 5 ! 2 ! !======================================================================

$STOP stop_value

Stops input file processing. An optional integer value of 0 to 20 will be returned as a status value to the system where supported. A value of two ("2") is returned if no value is specified. Any value from one ("1") to twenty ("20") also causes an implicit execution of the "$SHOW" directive before the program is stopped.

$SYSTEM system_command

If system command processing is enabled using the -system switch system commands can be executed to create files to be read or to execute test programs, for example. $SYSTEM directives are ignored by default; as you clearly need to ensure the input file is trusted before allowing commands to be executed.


    $! build variable definitions using GNU/Linux commands
    $SYSTEM echo system=‘hostname‘ > compiled.h
    $SYSTEM echo compile_time="‘date‘" >> compiled.h
    $INCLUDE compiled.h

$! obtain up-to-date copy of source file from HTTP server: $SYSTEM wget http://repository.net/src/func.F90 -O -| cpp -P -C -traditional >_tmp.f90 $INCLUDE _tmp.f90 $SYSTEM rm _tmp.f90

$UNDEFINE variable_name

A symbol defined with $DEFINE can be removed with the $UNDEFINE directive.


A special function called DEFINED() may appear only in a $IF or $ELSEIF. If "variable_name" has been defined at that point in the source code, then the function value is ".TRUE.", otherwise it is ".FALSE.". A name is defined only if it has appeared in the source previously in a $DEFINE directive or been declared on the command line. The names used in compiler directives are district from names in the FORTRAN source, which means that "a" in a $DEFINE and "a" in a FORTRAN source statement are totally unrelated. The DEFINED() parameter is NOT valid in a $DEFINE directive.


    >        Program test
    > $IF .NOT. DEFINED (inc)
    >        INCLUDE ’’comm.inc’’
    > $ELSE
    >        INCLUDE ’’comm2.inc’’
    > $ENDIF
    >        END

The file, "comm.inc" will be INCLUDEd in the source if the parameter, "inc", has not been previously defined, while INCLUDE "comm2.inc" will be included in the source if "inc" has been previously defined. This is useful for setting up a default inclusion.

$WARNING message

Write message to stderr of form "WARNING message"

$MESSAGE message

Write message to stderr of form "message"

$DEBUG option
NEVER allows for designating a file does not contain any "DEBUGVERSION" strings that should be processed as conditionally inserted lines.
Even if the environment variable DEBUGVERSION is no set to T|F:

      ON    Change the default set by the environment variable
            DEBUGVERSION or set by the -debug switch
            and turn debug processing on.

OFF Change the default set by the environment variable DEBUGVERSION or set by the -debug switch and turn debug processing off.


$IF constructs can be nested up to 20 levels deep. Note that using more than two levels typically makes input files less readable.

$FILTER END is required after a $FILTER or -file FILENAME is not written and output of a shell is not read.

Nesting of $FILTER sections not allowed.

Messages for $MESSAGE, $WARNING, $ERROR cannot contain an exclamation

Input files

o lines are limited to 1024 columns. Text past column 1024 is ignored.
o files currently opened cannot be opened again.
o a maximum of 50 files can be nested by $INCLUDE
o filenames cannot contain spaces on the command line.

Variable names

o cannot be redefined unless first undefined.
o are limited to 31 characters.
o must start with a letter (A-Z).
o are composed of the letters A-Z, digits 0-9 and _ and $.
o 2048 variable names may be defined at a time.

Major cpp(1) features not present in ufpp(1):

   There are no predefined preprocessor symbols. Use a directive input file
   instead. The predefined variables such as UFPP_DATE can be used as a
   substitute in some cases.

This program does not provide string (macro) substitution in output lines. See cpp(1) and m4(1) and related utilities if macro expansion is required.

While cpp(1) is the de-facto standard for preprocessing Fortran code, Part 3 of the Fortran 95 standard (ISO/IEC 1539-3:1998) defines Conditional Compilation, but it is (currently) not widely supported (See coco(1)).


Define variables on command line:

Typically, variables are defined on the command line when ufpp(1) is invoked or are grouped together into small files that are included with a $INCLUDE or as input files.

     ufpp HP size=64 -i hp_directives.dirs @ test.F90 -o test_out.f90

defines variables HP and SIZE as if the expressions had been on a $DEFINE and reads file "hp_directives.dirs" and then stdin and then test.F90. Output is directed to test_out.f90

Basic conditionals:

   >$! set value of variable "a" if it is not specified on the ufpp(1) command.
   >$DEFINE a=1  ! define only the first version of SUB1(3f)
   >program conditional_compile
   >   use M_kracken, only : kracken, lget
   >   ! use M_kracken module to crack command line arguments
   >   call kracken("cmd","-help .false. -version .false.")
   >   ! call routine generated by $FILTER HELP
   >   call help_usage(lget("cmd_help"))
   >   ! call routine generated by $FILTER VERSION
   >   call help_version(lget("cmd_version"))
   >   call sub1()
   >end program conditional_compile
   >! select a version of SUB1 depending on the value of ufpp(1) variable "a"
   >$IF a .EQ. 1
   >subroutine sub1
   >   print*, "This is the first SUB1"
   >end subroutine sub1
   >$ELSEIF a .eq. 2
   >subroutine sub1
   >   print*, "This is the second SUB1"
   >end subroutine sub1
   >subroutine sub1
   >   print*, "This is the third SUB1"
   >end subroutine sub1
   >$! generate help_usage() procedure (and file to run thru txt2man(1) or other
   >$! filters to make man(1) page if $UFPP_DOCUMENT_DIR is set).
   >$FILTER HELP -file conditional_compile.man
   >    conditional_compile - basic example for ufpp(1) pre-processor.
   >    conditional_example [--help] [--version]
   >    This is a basic example program showing how documentation can be used
   >    to generate program help text
   >       --help
   >              display this help and exit
   >       --version
   >              output version information and exit
   >$! generate help_version() procedure
   >DESCRIPTION: example program showing conditional compilation with ufpp(1)
   >PROGRAM:     conditional_compile
   >VERSION:     1.0, 20160703
   >AUTHOR:      John S. Urban

An example using the magic string "DEBUGVERSION" assuming the environment variable DEBUGVERSION has been set to T or F. Given the source file:

   module M_d
      implicit none
      subroutine proc(r)
         integer,intent(inout) :: r(:)
         debugversion: block
            integer :: i
            write(*,’(*(g0))’)"*proc* message",@@@
            write(*,’("*proc* ",*(i0,"[",g0,"]"))’)(i,r(i),i=1,size(r))
         endblock debugversion
         debugversion: block
            integer :: i
            write(*,’("*proc* LOCATION @@@:",*(i0,"[",g0,"]"))’)(i,r(i),i=1,size(r))
         endblock debugversion
      end subroutine proc
   end module M_d
   program run
      use M_d
      integer :: arr(5)=[(i*10,i=1,size(arr))]
      DEBUGVERSION: block
         write(*,’(a)’)’THIS IS A DEBUG VERSION’
      endblock DEBUGVERSION
      call proc(arr)
   end program run

Expected output if debug mode is on

   module M_d
      implicit none
      subroutine proc(r)
         integer,intent(inout) :: r(:)
         DEBUG_1: block
            integer :: i
            write(*,’(*(g0))’)"*proc* message",1
            write(*,’("*proc* ",*(i0,"[",g0,"]"))’)(i,r(i),i=1,size(r))
         endblock DEBUG_1
         DEBUG_2: block
            integer :: i
            write(*,’("*proc* LOCATION 2:",*(i0,"[",g0,"]"))’)(i,r(i),i=1,size(r))
         endblock DEBUG_2
      end subroutine proc
   end module M_d
   program run
      use M_d
      integer :: arr(5)=[(i*10,i=1,size(arr))]
      DEBUG_3: block
         write(*,’(a)’)’THIS IS A DEBUG VERSION’
      endblock DEBUG_3
      call proc(arr)
   end program run

Expected output if debug mode is off:

   module M_d
      implicit none
      subroutine proc(r)
         integer,intent(inout) :: r(:)
      end subroutine proc
   end module M_d
   program run
      use M_d
      integer :: arr(5)=[(i*10,i=1,size(arr))]
      call proc(arr)
   end program run


John S. Urban


Public Domain

ufpp (1) March 11, 2021
Generated by manServer 1.08 from cb551eb6-5438-4639-a257-2bbaf174c1e4 using man macros.