
Manual Reference Pages  - ubound (3)


ubound(3f) - [FORTRAN:INTRINSIC:ARRAY INQUIRY] Upper dimension bounds of an array


result = ubound(array [, dim [, kind]])


Returns the upper bounds of an array, or a single upper bound along the DIM dimension.


ARRAY Shall be an array, of any type.
DIM (Optional) Shall be a scalar INTEGER.
KIND (Optional) An INTEGER initialization expression indicating the kind parameter of the result.


The return value is of type INTEGER and of kind KIND. If KIND is absent, the return value is of default integer kind. If DIM is absent, the result is an array of the upper bounds of ARRAY. If DIM is present, the result is a scalar corresponding to the upper bound of the array along that dimension. If ARRAY is an expression rather than a whole array or array structure component, or if it has a zero extent along the relevant dimension, the upper bound is taken to be the number of elements along the relevant dimension.


Note that in my opinion this function should not be used on assumed-size arrays or in any function without an explicit interface. Errors can occur if there is no interface defined.

Sample program

  ! program demo_ubound
  module m_bounds
  implicit none
      subroutine msub(arr)
         !!integer,intent(in) :: arr(*)  ! cannot be assumed-size array
         integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
         write(*,*)’MSUB: LOWER=’,lbound(arr),’UPPER=’,ubound(arr), &
         & ’SIZE=’,size(arr)
      end subroutine msub
   end module m_bounds

use m_bounds, only : msub implicit none interface subroutine esub(arr) integer,intent(in) :: arr(:) end subroutine esub end interface integer :: arr(-10:10) write(*,*)’MAIN: LOWER=’,lbound(arr),’UPPER=’,ubound(arr), & & ’SIZE=’,size(arr) call csub() call msub(arr) call esub(arr) contains subroutine csub write(*,*)’CSUB: LOWER=’,lbound(arr),’UPPER=’,ubound(arr), & & ’SIZE=’,size(arr) end subroutine csub end

subroutine esub(arr) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: arr(:) ! WARNING: IF CALLED WITHOUT AN EXPLICIT INTERFACE ! THIS WILL GIVE UNDEFINED ANSWERS (like 0,0,0) write(*,*)’ESUB: LOWER=’,lbound(arr),’UPPER=’,ubound(arr), & & ’SIZE=’,size(arr) end subroutine esub !end program demo_ubound

Expected output

  MAIN: LOWER=         -10 UPPER=          10 SIZE=          21
  CSUB: LOWER=         -10 UPPER=          10 SIZE=          21
  MSUB: LOWER=           1 UPPER=          21 SIZE=          21
  ESUB: LOWER=           1 UPPER=          21 SIZE=          21


[[Fortran 95]] and later, with KIND argument [[Fortran 2003]] and later


[[Inquiry function]]


lbound(3), co_ubound(3), co_lbound(3)

ubound (3) March 11, 2021
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