
Manual Reference Pages  - swap (3)


swap(3f) - [M_sort] elemental subroutine swaps two standard type variables of like type




subroutine swap(X,Y)


Generic subroutine SWAP(GEN1,GEN2) swaps two variables of like type (real, integer, complex, character, double, logical).

On output, the values of X and Y have been interchanged. Swapping is commonly required in procedures that sort data.

SWAP(3f) is elemental, so it can operate on vectors and arrays as well as scalar values.


Example program:

   program demo_swap
   use M_sort, only : swap
   integer             :: iarray(2)=[10,20]
   real                :: rarray(2)=[11.11,22.22]
   doubleprecision     :: darray(2)=[1234.56789d0,9876.54321d0]
   complex             :: carray(2)=[(1234,56789),(9876,54321)]
   logical             :: larray(2)=[.true.,.false.]
   character(len=16)   :: string(2)=["First string    ","The other string"]

integer :: one(13)=1 integer :: two(13)=2

integer :: one2(3,3)=1 integer :: two2(3,3)=2

print *, "integers before swap ", iarray call swap (iarray(1), iarray(2)) print *, "integers after swap ", iarray

print *, "reals before swap ", rarray call swap (rarray(1), rarray(2)) print *, "reals after swap ", rarray

print *, "doubles before swap ", darray call swap (darray(1), darray(2)) print *, "doubles after swap ", darray

print *, "complexes before swap ", carray call swap (carray(1), carray(2)) print *, "complexes after swap ", carray

print *, "logicals before swap ", larray call swap (larray(1), larray(2)) print *, "logicals after swap ", larray

print *, "strings before swap ", string call swap (string(1), string(2)) print *, "strings after swap ", string

write(*,*)’swap two vectors’ write(*,’("one before: ",*(i0,:","))’) one write(*,’("two before: ",*(i0,:","))’) two call swap(one,two) write(*,’("one after: ",*(i0,:","))’) one write(*,’("two after: ",*(i0,:","))’) two

write(*,*)’given these arrays initially each time ’ one2=1 two2=2 call printarrays()

write(*,*)’swap two rows’ one2=1 two2=2 call swap(one2(2,:),two2(3,:)) call printarrays()

write(*,*)’swap two columns’ one2=1 two2=2 call swap(one2(:,2),two2(:,2)) call printarrays()

write(*,*)’swap two arrays with same number of elements’ one2=1 two2=2 call swap(one2,two2) call printarrays()

contains subroutine printarrays() integer :: i do i=1,size(one2(1,:)) write(*,’(*(i0,:","))’) one2(i,:) enddo write(*,*) do i=1,size(two2(1,:)) write(*,’(*(i0,:","))’) two2(i,:) enddo end subroutine printarrays

end program demo_swap

Expected Results:

   > integers before swap           10          20
   > integers after swap            20          10
   > reals before swap    11.1099997       22.2199993
   > reals after swap     22.2199993       11.1099997
   > doubles before swap    1234.5678900000000        9876.5432099999998
   > doubles after swap     9876.5432099999998        1234.5678900000000
   > complexes before swap  (  1234.00000    ,  56789.0000    ) (  9876.00000    ,  54321.0000    )
   > complexes after swap   (  9876.00000    ,  54321.0000    ) (  1234.00000    ,  56789.0000    )
   > logicals before swap  T F
   > logicals after swap   F T
   > strings before swap First string    The other string
   > strings after swap The other stringFirst string
   > swap two vectors
   >one before: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
   >two before: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
   >one after: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
   >two after: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
   > given these arrays initially each time
   > swap two rows
   > swap two columns
   > swap two arrays with same number of elements

swap (3) October 17, 2020
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