
Manual Reference Pages  - regsub (3)


regsub(3f) - [M_regex] perform regex substitutions




subroutine regsub(matchline, matches, source, dest)

   character(len=*),intent(in)              :: matchline
   integer,intent(in)                       :: matches(:,:)
   character(len=*),intent(in)              :: source
   character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: dest


The regsub() function copies source to dest, making substitutions according to the most recent regexec() performed using MATCHES(:,:).

Each instance of "&" in source is replaced by the substring indicated by the start and end array MATCHES(:,:).

Each instance of "\n", where n is a digit, is replaced by the substring indicated by MATCHES(1,n) and MATCHES(2,n).

To get a literal "&" or "\n" into dest, prefix it with "\"; to get a literal "\" preceding "&" or "\n", prefix it with another "\".


  line REGEXEC(3f) was run against
  output array from REGEXEC(3f) call
SOURCE output template string containing "&" and/or "\n" indicating where to make substitutions
DEST output string


Sample program that reads an array of lines representing a Unix /etc/passwd file and uses an RE (Regular Expression) to read fields from the line and then uses REGSUB(3f) to print strings using the matched strings

   program demo_regsub
   use M_regex, only: regex_type, regcomp, regexec, regerror, regmatch, regfree, regsub
   use M_strings, only : replace
   implicit none
   type(regex_type)             :: regex
   integer,parameter            :: maxmatch=10
   integer                      :: matches(2,maxmatch)
   character(len=:),allocatable :: input_line(:)
   character(len=:),allocatable :: output_line
   character(len=:),allocatable :: expression
   logical                      :: match
   integer                      :: stat
   integer                      :: i
   logical                      :: BRE
      ! The /etc/passwd file is a colon-separated file that contains the following information:
      !     User name.
      !     Encrypted password.
      !     User ID number (UID)
      !     User’s group ID number (GID)
      !     Full name of the user (GECOS)
      !     User home directory.
      !     Login shell.
      if(BRE)then  ! BRE (Basic Regular Expression)
         expression= ’\([^:]*\):*\([^:]*\):*\([^:]*\):*\([^:]*\):*\([^:]*\):*\([^:]*\):*\([^:]*\):*.*’
         call regcomp(regex,expression,status=stat)
      else         ! ERE (Extended Regular Expression)
         expression= ’([^:]*):*([^:]*):*([^:]*):*([^:]*):*([^:]*):*([^:]*):*([^:]*):*.*’
         call regcomp(regex,expression,’x’,status=stat)

if(stat.ne.0)then ! if RE did not compile report error write(*,*)’*regcomp* ERROR:’,regerror(regex,stat) stop 1 endif

! simulate /etc/password file in array, with common aberrant input lines included input_line= [character(len=128) :: & "doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh: and more", & "doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh: and more:", & "doeqj: :1001: :John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh:", & "doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh:", & "doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh", & "doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj", & "doeqj:xxxxx:", & "doeqj:xxxxx", & "doeqj:", & "doeqj", & ":::::::::::::::", & ":::", & "" ]

do i=1,size(input_line) input_line=replace(input_line(i),’::’,’: :’) ! the RE shown needs the field to have at least one character match=regexec(regex,input_line(i),matches) ! generate the matches array using the compiled RE

write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’-’,80) ! put out a number line write(*,’(a)’) input_line(i) ! replace \n lines call regsub(input_line(i),matches,’username="\1" & &password="\2" UID="\3" GID="\4" name="\5" & &home="\6" shell="\7" ’,output_line) write(*,’(a)’) output_line

if(i.eq.1)then ! show other examples of formatting for first entry call regsub(input_line(i),matches,& & ’The username for \5 is "\1"’,output_line) write(*,’(a)’) output_line

call regsub(input_line(i),matches,& & ’username "\1" has UID=\3, GID=\4 & & and default shell "\7"’,output_line) write(*,’(a)’) output_line endif enddo

call regfree(regex)

end program demo_regsub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh: and more username="doeqj" password="xxxxx" UID="1001" GID="200" name="John Q. Doe" home="/home/doeqj" shell="/bin/tcsh" The username for John Q. Doe is "doeqj" username "doeqj" has UID=1001, GID=200 and default shell "/bin/tcsh" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh: and more: username="doeqj" password="xxxxx" UID="1001" GID="200" name="John Q. Doe" home="/home/doeqj" shell="/bin/tcsh" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj: :1001: :John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh: username="doeqj" password=" " UID="1001" GID=" " name="John Q. Doe" home="/home/doeqj" shell="/bin/tcsh" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh: username="doeqj" password="xxxxx" UID="1001" GID="200" name="John Q. Doe" home="/home/doeqj" shell="/bin/tcsh" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj:/bin/tcsh username="doeqj" password="xxxxx" UID="1001" GID="200" name="John Q. Doe" home="/home/doeqj" shell="/bin/tcsh" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj:xxxxx:1001:200:John Q. Doe:/home/doeqj username="doeqj" password="xxxxx" UID="1001" GID="200" name="John Q. Doe" home="/home/doeqj" shell="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj:xxxxx: username="doeqj" password="xxxxx" UID="" GID="" name="" home="" shell="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj:xxxxx username="doeqj" password="xxxxx" UID="" GID="" name="" home="" shell="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj: username="doeqj" password="" UID="" GID="" name="" home="" shell="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doeqj username="doeqj" password="" UID="" GID="" name="" home="" shell="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: username="" password=" " UID=" " GID=" " name=" " home=" " shell=" " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : :: username="" password=" " UID="" GID="" name="" home="" shell="" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

username="" password="" UID="" GID="" name="" home="" shell=""

regsub (3) March 11, 2021
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