
Manual Reference Pages  - mapcolor (3)


mapcolor(3f) - [M_draw:COLOR] set a color index using RGB values (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine mapcolor(indx, red, green, blue) integer,intent(in) :: indx, red, green, blue


Set the color map index indx to the color represented by (red, green, blue). If the device has no color map this call does nothing.

rgb values are in the range of 0 to 255.


INDX color index number, in range 0 to 255
RED red component of color being defined, in range 0 to 255
GREEN green component of color being defined, in range 0 to 255
BLUE blue component of color being defined, in range 0 to 255


Color wheel EXAMPLE:

   program demo_mapcolor
   !   good program to exercise color tables, and look at differences
   !   when actual output device has a color table that is dynamic,
   !   or only has a small color table (a frame in this program takes
   !   at least SLICES*RINGS colors to produce accurately).
   use M_draw
   use m_color, only : hue
   use M_units, only : cosd, sind
   implicit none
      real                 :: lightstep
      integer              :: ii,iframe
      integer,parameter    :: SLICES=30
      integer,parameter    :: RINGS=  8
      real                 :: LIGHTNESS
      integer,parameter    :: BOX=1200
      integer              :: ipaws
      integer              :: istart, iend
      character(len=20)    :: device
      call prefsize(BOX,BOX)
      call vinit(’ ’) ! start graphics using device $M_DRAW_DEVICE
      call polyfill(.true.)
      call color(D_BLACK)
      call clear()
      call color(D_WHITE)
      call page(-110./2.,85./2.,-110./2.,110./2.)

call vgetdev(device) select case(device) case (’p6’,’p3’,’ppm’) ! just do one wheel istart=10 iend=10 LIGHTNESS=50.0 case default ! do many lightnesses istart=1 iend=19 end select

do ii=istart,iend iframe=ii call color(D_BLACK) call clear() call color(D_WHITE) call wheel() LIGHTNESS=LIGHTNESS+LIGHTSTEP ipaws=getkey() enddo call vexit() contains !=======================================================================-------- subroutine wheel() ! draw an entire wheel character(len=40) :: inline real :: hue_val integer :: ii call textang(0.0) call color(D_WHITE) call textsize(5.0,6.0) call font(’times.r’) call move2(0.0,103.0/2.0) call centertext(.true.) call linewidth(30) call drawstr(’COLOR WHEEL’) call linewidth(0) call textsize( 2.5,2.5) call font(’futura.l’) call move2(0.0,90.0/2.0) write(inline,’("lightness=",f6.2)’)LIGHTNESS call linewidth(30) call drawstr(inline) call linewidth(0) call textsize(1.5,1.5) hue_val=0 do ii=SLICES, 1,-1 call slice(hue_val) enddo call centertext(.false.) end subroutine wheel !=======================================================================-------- subroutine slice(hue_val) ! draw a slice integer :: buffer real :: hue_val, ang_inc character(len=40) :: inline real :: step real :: X1, X2, X3, X4 real :: Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 ! integer :: maxcolors, current_color integer :: ir, ig, ib real :: r,g,b real :: saturation ! integer :: status integer :: icount real :: angle1, angle2 real :: radius1, radius2, radius3, radius4 ! integer,save :: color_count=0 ! buffer=8 ANG_INC=360.0/SLICES angle1=hue_val-ANG_INC/2 angle2=angle1+ANG_INC saturation=100 radius1=32 radius3=radius1+4 radius4=radius1+7 ! draw tic from wheel to start of angle label call color(D_WHITE) call linewidth(40) call move2( radius1*cosd(hue_val), radius1*sind(hue_val) ) call draw2( radius3*cosd(hue_val), radius3*sind(hue_val) ) ! draw degree label at tic call textang(hue_val) call move2( radius4*cosd(hue_val), radius4*sind(hue_val) ) write(inline,’(i0)’)nint(hue_val) call linewidth(20) call drawstr(inline) call linewidth(0) step=radius1/real(RINGS) radius2=radius1-step ! draw a chunk in a slice MAXCOLORS=(256)-buffer do icount=RINGS+1,2,-1 CURRENT_COLOR=MOD(color_count,MAXCOLORS)+buffer ! add buffer to leave base colors alone color_count=color_count+1 ! fancy mapcolor call hue("hls",hue_val,LIGHTNESS,saturation,"rgb",r,g,b,status) ir=int(r*255.0/100.0+0.50) ig=int(g*255.0/100.0+0.50) ib=int(b*255.0/100.0+0.50) call mapcolor(CURRENT_COLOR,ir,ig,ib) call color(CURRENT_COLOR) ! X1=cosd(angle1)*radius2 Y1=sind(angle1)*radius2 X2=cosd(angle1)*radius1 Y2=sind(angle1)*radius1 ! X3=cosd(angle2)*radius2 Y3=sind(angle2)*radius2 X4=cosd(angle2)*radius1 Y4=sind(angle2)*radius1 ! call makepoly() call move2(X1,Y1) call draw2(X2,Y2) call draw2(X4,Y4) call draw2(X3,Y3) call closepoly() ! saturation=saturation-100.0/RINGS radius1=radius2 radius2=radius1-step enddo hue_val=hue_val+ANG_INC end subroutine slice end program demo_mapcolor

mapcolor (3) March 11, 2021
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