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libGPF man(1) pages

grouping page description
 anagramsprint anagrams of strings
 area_of_simple_polygondetermine area of simple (non-intersecting) polygon given coordinates of points (LICENSE:PD)
 dictGet definition of a word using DICT Protocol and libcurl(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
 fpm-dictGet definition of a word using DICT Protocol and libcurl(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
 matinterpret matrix expressions using a shell-like interface
 matchfind occurrences of a Regular Expression in a file(s). (LICENSE:PD)
 shellshell for demonstrating major modules in libGPF.a (LICENSE:PD)
 triangleresolution of a triangle (LICENSE:PD)
CONVERTalphabet print numeric values or a string as decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary values (LICENSE:PD)
CONVERTbase convert numbers between bases (LICENSE:PD)
CONVERTcolors list colors and their values using common color models (LICENSE:PD)
CONVERTdegrees Convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature values (LICENSE:PD)
CONVERTexchange test of basic unit conversion functions (LICENSE:PD)
CONVERTspoiler A trifling program for reading punchlines that are encoded using the ROT-13 rotation encryption (L...
DEVELOPERf90split split Fortran source file into individual files (LICENSE:PD)
DEVELOPERmakeout Generate a Makefile from the sources (C, Fortran) in the current directory (LICENSE:PD)
DEVELOPERmanup Simple markup of text to a man(1) page (LICENSE:PD)
DEVELOPERnumdiff Compare numeric differences in a file (LICENSE:PD)
DEVELOPERparanoid call doubleprecision and real versions of paranoia(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
DEVELOPERtxt2man convert flat ASCII text to manpage format
DEVELOPERufpp pre-process FORTRAN source files (LICENSE:PD)
DEVELOPERwhat extract SCCS-style metadata from a file (LICENSE:PD)
FILE EDITchange replace old fixed string with new fixed string in names of files (LICENSE:PD)
FILE EDITffmt simple text formatter for Fortran comments (LICENSE:PD)
FILE FILTER_paste merge lines of files (LICENSE:PD)
FILE FILTERasa2pdf Convert text files with/without ASA carriage control to an Adobe PDF file. (LICENSE:PD)
FILE FILTERcprint filter prints specified columns (LICENSE:PD)
FILE FILTERdtu convert files between Unix and DOS line terminator conventions (LICENSE:PD)
FILE FILTERfindll find long lines (LICENSE:PD)
FILE FILTERrep replace fixed strings in files (LICENSE:PD)
FILE FILTERtable2html filter to format simple columns into an HTML table form (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:ENVIRONMENT_printenv print all or part of environment in formats readable by various shells (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILE EDIT_fmt simple text formatter (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_basename display last component of file name(s) (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_dirname strip last component from file name (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_link call the link(3c) function to create the specified file link (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_ln create hard links to a file (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_ls list files in a directory (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_mkdir call mkdir(3c) to make directories (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_mkfifo make a FIFO pipe by calling mkfifo(3c) (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_pwd list full pathname of current directory (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_rename rename files by replacing first occurrence of a string in a filename with new string (LIC...
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_rmdir remove empty directories (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_stat list file properties (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_touch change file access and modify timestamps to current time, creating file if necessary (LIC...
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_tty print information about the file/terminal connected to standard input (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_unlink call the unlink(3c) function to remove the specified file (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEM_which shows the full path of (shell) commands. (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:FILESYSTEMlsup list permissions of pathname and directories in pathname (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:M_strings_tr translate or delete characters (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:M_stringssha3 generate SHA-256 digest values for specified files (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX:TIME_sleep pause for specified duration (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_banner print large block letters (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_cmp compare two files byte by byte (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_echo display a line of text (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_expand convert tabs to spaces (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_false do nothing, unsuccessfully (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_grep search a file for a pattern (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_hostname display hostname (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_kill send signals to processes (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_logname display login name (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_realpath print the resolved path (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_rev reverse lines in a file (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_seq print a sequence of numbers (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_showumask show umask in decimal, octal, hex, and binary (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_shuf generate random permutations (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_tac print file in reverse (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_time display time used by a command (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_true do nothing, successfully (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_uname print system information (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_whoami display login name (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIX_yes output a string repeatedly until killed or limit is reached
FUNIXdigest compute SHA256 message digest (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXeaster print day and month Easter falls on for given year (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXfan output descriptions of Fortran intrinsics (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXfixedform read in a TUI definition and return values from screen panel (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXintrinsics output text versions of Fortran intrinsic man(1) pages (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXplanets ephemeris position of planets for adjusting an equatorial telescope
FUNIXqsort sort a file (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXreverse print file in reverse (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXsplitname strip pathname into components {dir, name, basename, extension} (LICENSE:PD)
FUNIXunique generate a UUID (Universally Unique ID) string per RFC 4122 (LICENSE:PD)
GEOMETRYcylinder calculate the surface area of a cylinder (LICENSE:PD)
HELPexplain reads and navigates a VMS-style help file. (LICENSE:GNU LGPL)
HELPtopic Display specially formatted help text files.
MATHcompute evaluate a calculator expression (LICENSE:PD)
MATHquadratic Calculate and print the roots of a quadratic formula even if they are complex (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawclock display a clock using the M_draw(3f) graphics module (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawcolor_wheel generate HLS color wheels (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawhypocycloidal display hypocycloidal curves (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawminefield minefield game (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawplusdraw basic interpreter for testing M_draw(3fm) routines (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawplusseefont show sample of font (LICENSE:PD)
M_drawplustarget draw targets on Adobe PDF files (LICENSE:PD)
M_hashkeyshasher exercise the string hash methods in the M_hashkey(3fm) module (LICENSE:PD)
M_krackenfseq print a sequence of numbers, optionally appending file lines. (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagesnote print large block letters (LICENSE:PD)
M_messagestabulate write out a row of numbers and a text-based scaled graph (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelhuegif generate color wheels as GIF pixmap files (LICENSE:PD)
M_randomxauth_key generate magic cookies for xauth (LICENSE:PD)
M_slicesslice display a grid of Z values with a 3D view (LICENSE:PD)
M_stringsrange expand list of whole numbers where negative curve numbers designate ranges (1 -10 means 1 thru 1...
M_system:ENVIRONMENTpenv print all or part of environment in formats readable by various shells (LICENSE:PD)
M_xyplotcn Draw a basic contour plot (LICENSE:PD)
M_xyplotxy Draw a basic XY plot (LICENSE:PD)
NCURSESchoose select one item from a menu using a screen interface (LICENSE:PD)
NCURSESesc set xterm(1) attributes using a screen or line mode (LICENSE:PD)
NCURSESnc2html print an ncurses(3c) window dump as HTML (LICENSE:PD)
NUMBERSfactors display prime factors of numbers (LICENSE:PD)
NUMBERSgcd display greatest common divisor of a list of whole numbers (LICENSE:PD)
NUMBERSlcm display least common multiple of a list of whole numbers (LICENSE:PD)
PHYSICSpendulum calculate pendulum period (LICENSE:PD)
TERMINALkolor set terminal background, foreground, and cursor color (LICENSE:PD)
TIMEdays2sec Convert [[-]dd-][[hh:]mm:]ss to seconds (LICENSE:PD)
TIMEmonth display a calendar (LICENSE:PD)
TIMEnow print the date and time (LICENSE:PD)
TIMEpaws pause until specified time or for specified duration (LICENSE:PD)
TIMEsec2days Convert seconds to string of form dd-hh:mm:ss (LICENSE:PD)
TIMEtoday output current time for uses such as file suffixes. (LICENSE:PD)
TIMEttee write input to stdout and a file with timing info. (LICENSE:PD)
 hello "hello world!" examples (LICENSE:PD)