
Manual Reference Pages  - draw2 (3)


draw2(3f) - [M_draw:DRAW] Draw from current graphics position to given point (x, y) (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine draw2(x, y) real,intent(in) :: x, y


Draw from current position to specified point using current color and line width. Updates current position to new point. (x, y) is a point in world coordinates.


X new X position
Y new Y position


Sample program:

   program demo_draw2
   use M_draw,    only : prefsize, vinit, ortho2, clear, getkey
   use M_draw,    only : move2, draw2, vexit, color,linewidth
   use M_draw,    only  : D_BLACK,   D_WHITE
   use M_draw,    only  : D_RED,     D_GREEN,    D_BLUE
   use M_draw,    only  : D_YELLOW,  D_MAGENTA,  D_CYAN
   use M_units,   only : d2r, polar_to_cartesian
   ! The Archimedean spiral is the locus of points corresponding
   ! to the locations over time of a point moving away from a
   ! fixed point with a constant speed along a line which rotates
   ! with constant angular velocity.
   !    r=A+B*theta
   ! Changing the parameter A will turn the spiral,
   ! while B controls the distance between successive turnings.
      implicit none
      integer        :: i
      real           :: x,y,radius,theta
      real,parameter :: rotate=0.0, gap=2.0
      integer        :: ipaws

call prefsize(400,400) call vinit(’ ’) ! start graphics using device $M_DRAW_DEVICE call ortho2(-150.0,150.0,-150.0,150.0) call color(D_MAGENTA) call clear() call move2(0.0,0.0) call color(D_BLACK) call linewidth(40) do i=0,360*10,5 theta=d2r(i) ! equation in polar coordinates radius=rotate+gap*theta ! convert polar coordinates to cartesian call polar_to_cartesian(radius,theta,x,y) ! draw from current position to end of next segment call draw2(x,y) enddo ipaws=getkey() ! exit graphics mode call vexit() end program demo_draw2

draw2 (3) March 11, 2021
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