
Manual Reference Pages  - data (7)


data(7f) - [FORTRAN] DATA statement (LICENSE:PD)


data-stmt is
  DATA data-stmt-set [ [ , ] data-stmt-set ] ...


The DATA statement specifies explicit initialization.

If a nonpointer object has default initialization, it shall not appear in a data-stmt-object-list.

A variable that appears in a DATA statement and has not been typed previously may appear in a subsequent type declaration only if that declaration confirms the implicit typing. An array name, array section, or array element that appears in a DATA statement shall have had its array properties established by a previous specification statement.

Except for variables in named common blocks, a named variable has the SAVE attribute if any part of it is initialized in a DATA statement, and this may be confirmed by explicit specification.

      R535    data-stmt-set                 is   data-stmt-object-list / data-stmt-value-list /

R536 data-stmt-object is variable or data-implied-do

R537 data-implied-do is ( data-i-do-object-list , data-i-do-variable = scalar-int-initialization-expr , scalar-int-initialization-expr [ , scalar-int-initialization-expr ] )

R538 data-i-do-object is array-element or scalar-structure-component or data-implied-do

R539 data-i-do-variable is do-variable

C563 A data-stmt-object or data-i-do-object shall not be a coindexed variable.

C564 (R536) In a variable that is a data-stmt-object, each subscript, section subscript, substring starting point, and substring ending point shall be an initialization expression.

C565 (R536) A variable whose designator appears as a data-stmt-object or a data-i-do-object shall not be a dummy argument, accessed by use or host association, in a named common block unless the DATA statement is in a block data program unit, in blank common, a function name, a function result name, an automatic object, or an allocatable variable.

C566 (R536) A data-i-do-object or a variable that appears as a data-stmt-object shall not be an object designator in which a pointer appears other than as the entire rightmost part-ref .

C567 (R538) The array-element shall be a variable.

C568 (R538) The scalar-structure-component shall be a variable.

C569 (R538) The scalar-structure-component shall contain at least one part-ref that contains a subscript-list.

C570 (R538) In an array-element or scalar-structure-component that is a data-i-do-object, any subscript shall be an initialization expression, and any primary within that subscript that is a data-i-do-variable shall be a DO variable of this data-implied-do or of a containing data-implied-do.

R540 data-stmt-value is [ data-stmt-repeat * ] data-stmt-constant

R541 data-stmt-repeat is scalar-int-constant or scalar-int-constant-subobject

C571 (R541) The data-stmt-repeat shall be positive or zero. If the data-stmt-repeat is a named constant, it shall have been declared previously in the scoping unit or made accessible by use or host association.

R542 data-stmt-constant is scalar-constant or scalar-constant-subobject or signed-int-literal-constant or signed-real-literal-constant or null-init or initial-data-target or structure-constructor

C572 (R542) If a DATA statement constant value is a named constant or a structure constructor, the named constant or derived type shall have been declared previously in the scoping unit or accessed by use or host association.

C573 (R542) If a data-stmt-constant is a structure-constructor , it shall be an initialization expression.

R543 int-constant-subobject is constant-subobject

C574 (R543) int-constant-subobject shall be of type integer.

R544 constant-subobject is designator

C575 (R544) constant-subobject shall be a subobject of a constant.

C576 (R544) Any subscript, substring starting point, or substring ending point shall be an initialization expression.

The data-stmt-object-list is expanded to form a sequence of pointers and scalar variables, referred to as "sequence of variables" in subsequent text. A nonpointer array whose unqualified name appears as a data-stmt-object or data-i-do-object is equivalent to a complete sequence of its array elements in array element order ( An array section is equivalent to the sequence of its array elements in array element order. A data-implied-do is expanded to form a sequence of array elements and structure components, under the control of the data-i-do-variable, as in the DO construct (

The data-stmt-value-list is expanded to form a sequence of data-stmt-constants. A data-stmt-repeat indicates the number of times the following data-stmt-constant is to be included in the sequence; omission of a data-stmt-repeat has the effect of a repeat factor of 1.

A zero-sized array or a data-implied-do with an iteration count of zero contributes no variables to the expanded sequence of variables, but a zero-length scalar character variable does contribute a variable to the expanded sequence. A data-stmt-constant with a repeat factor of zero contributes no data-stmt-constants to the expanded sequence of scalar data-stmt-constants.

The expanded sequences of variables and data-stmt-constants are in one-to-one correspondence. Each data-stmt-constant specifies the initial value, initial data target, or null-init for the corresponding variable. The lengths of the two expanded sequences shall be the same.

A data-stmt-constant shall be null-init or initial-data-target if and only if the corresponding data-stmt-object has the POINTER attribute. If data-stmt-constant is null-init, the initial association status of the corresponding data statement object is disassociated. If data-stmt-constant is initial-data-target the corresponding data statement object shall be data-pointer-initialization compatible with the initial data target; the data statement object is initially associated with the target.

A data-stmt-constant other than boz-literal-constant, null-init, or initial-data-target shall be compatible with its corresponding variable according to the rules of intrinsic assignment ( The variable is initially defined with the value specified by the data-stmt-constant; if necessary, the value is converted according to the rules of intrinsic assignment ( to a value that agrees in type, type parameters, and shape with the variable.

If a data-stmt-constant is a boz-literal-constant, the corresponding variable shall be of type integer. The boz-literal-constant is treated as if it were converted by the intrinsic function INT (13.7.81) to type integer with the kind type parameter of the variable.


Examples of DATA statements are:

          CHARACTER (LEN = 10) NAME
          INTEGER, DIMENSION (0:9) :: MILES
          REAL, DIMENSION (100, 100) :: SKEW
          DATA NAME / ’JOHN DOE’ /, MILES / 10 * 0 /
          DATA ((SKEW (K, J), J = 1, K), K = 1, 100) / 5050 * 0.0 /
          DATA ((SKEW (K, J), J = K + 1, 100), K = 1, 99) / 4950 * 1.0 /
          DATA HEAD_OF_LIST / NULL() /
          DATA MYNAME / PERSON (21, ’JOHN SMITH’) /

The character variable NAME is initialized with the value JOHN DOE with padding on the right because the length of the constant is less than the length of the variable. All ten elements of the integer array MILES are initialized to zero. The two-dimensional array SKEW is initialized so that the lower triangle of SKEW is zero and the strict upper triangle is one. The structures MYNAME and YOURNAME are declared using the derived type PERSON from Note 4.17. The pointer HEAD OF LIST is declared using the derived type NODE from Note 4.37; it is initially disassociated. MYNAME is initialized by a structure constructor. YOURNAME is initialized by supplying a separate value for each component.

data (7) March 11, 2021
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