
Manual Reference Pages  - cpu_time (3)


cpu_time(3f) - [FORTRAN:INTRINSIC:SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT] return CPU processor time in seconds


call cpu_time(time)

      real,intent(out) :: time


Returns a REAL value representing the elapsed CPU time in seconds. This is useful for testing segments of code to determine execution time.

The exact definition of time is left imprecise because of the variability in what different processors are able to provide.

for gfortran(1) If a time source is available, time will be reported with microsecond resolution. If no time source is available, TIME is set to -1.0.

Note that TIME may contain a system dependent, arbitrary offset and may not start with 0.0. For cpu_time the absolute value is meaningless. Only differences between subsequent calls, as shown in the example below, should be used.

A processor for which a single result is inadequate (for example, a parallel processor) might choose to provide an additional version for which time is an array.


TIME The type shall be REAL with intent(out). It is assigned a processor-dependent approximation to the processor time in seconds. If the processor cannot return a meaningful time, a processor-dependent negative value is returned. The start time is left imprecise because the purpose is to time sections of code, as in the example. This might or might not include system overhead time.


Sample program:

    program demo_cpu_time
    implicit none
    real :: start, finish
       call cpu_time(start)
       ! put code to test here
       call cpu_time(finish)
       ! writes processor time taken by the piece of code.
       print ’("Processor Time = ",f6.3," seconds.")’,finish-start
    end program demo_cpu_time


[[Fortran 95]] and later




system_clock(3), date_and_time(3)

cpu_time (3) March 11, 2021
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