
Manual Reference Pages  - asin (3)




result = asin(X)


asin(x) computes the arcsine of its argument X.

The arcsine is the inverse function of the sine function. It is commonly used in trigonometry when trying to find the angle when the lengths of the hypotenuse and the opposite side of a right triangle are known.


X The type shall be either REAL and a magnitude that is less than or equal to one; or be COMPLEX.


RESULT The return value is of the same type and kind as X. The real part of the result is in radians and lies in the range -PI/2 <= asin(x) <= PI/2.


The arcsine will allow you to find the measure of a right angle when you know the ratio of the side opposite the angle to the hypotenuse.

So if you knew that a train track rose 1.25 vertical miles on a track that was 50 miles long, you could determine the average angle of incline of the track using the arcsine. Given

    sin(Θ) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse)

program demo_asin use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64 implicit none ! value to convert degrees to radians real(kind=dp),parameter :: D2R=acos(-1.0_dp)/180.0_dp real(kind=dp) :: angle, rise, run ! given sine(Θ) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse) ! then taking the arcsine of both sides of the equality yields ! Θ = arcsine(1.25 miles/50 miles) ie. arcsine(opposite/hypotenuse) rise=1.250_dp run=50.00_dp angle = asin(rise/run) write(*,*)’angle of incline(radians) = ’, angle angle = angle/D2R write(*,*)’angle of incline(degrees) = ’, angle

write(*,*)’percent grade=’,rise/run*100.0_dp end program demo_asin


    angle of incline(radians) =    2.5002604899361139E-002
    angle of incline(degrees) =    1.4325437375665075
    percent grade=   2.5000000000000000

The percentage grade is the slope, written as a percent. To calculate the slope you divide the rise by the run. In the example the rise is 1.25 mile over a run of 50 miles so the slope is 1.25/50 = 0.025. Written as a percent this is 2.5 %.

for the US, two and 1/2 percent is generally thought of as the upper limit. This means a rise of 2.5 feet when going 100 feet forward. In the US this was the maximum grade on the first major US railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio. Note curves increase the frictional drag on a train reducing the allowable grade.


[[FORTRAN 77]] and later, for a complex argument [[Fortran 2008]] or later


[[Elemental procedure|Elemental function]]


Inverse function: sin(3)


asin (3) March 11, 2021
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