
Manual Reference Pages  - M_strings_oop (3)


M_strings_oop(3f) - [M_strings:INTRO] OOP Fortran string module


See Also


use M_strings_oop


The M_strings(3fm) module is a collection of Fortran procedures that supplement the built-in intrinsic string routines. Routines for parsing, tokenizing, changing case, substituting new strings for substrings, locating strings with simple wildcard expressions, removing tabs and line terminators and other string manipulations are included.

M_strings_oop(3fm) is a companion module that provides an OOP interface to the M_strings module.


There are additional routines in other GPF modules for working with expressions (M_calculator), time strings (M_time), random strings (M_random, M_uuid), lists (M_list), and interfacing with the C regular expression library (M_regex).


Each of the procedural functions in M_strings(3fm) includes an example program in the corresponding man(1) page for the function. The object-oriented interface does not have individual man(1) pages, but is instead demonstrated using the following example program:

    program demo_M_strings_oop
    ! This is an example using the object-oriented class/type model
    ! defined in M_strings_oop
    ! This is essentially the same functionality as the procedures
    ! combined with several Fortran intrinsics and overloaded operators
    use M_strings_oop,only : string, p
    implicit none
    TYPE(string) :: str1
    TYPE(string) :: str2
    TYPE(string) :: str3
    TYPE(string) :: str4
      write(*,*)’exercise the M_STRING_OOP module interface’
      ! draw a break line in the output
      write(*,*)’Call methods of type(STRING)’
      ! define TYPE(STRING) with constructor
      str2=string(’   This  is  a  String!       ’)
      str4=string(’ a  String ’)
      ! print members of type
      write(*,101)’str2%str is ................ ’,str2%str
      ! same as intrinsic LEN()
      write(*,202)’len ........................ ’,str2%len()
      ! same as intrinsic INDEX()
      write(*,202)’len_trim ................... ’,str2%len_trim()
      ! same as intrinsic INDEX()
      write(*,202)’index("is")................. ’,str2%index("is")
      ! same as intrinsic INDEX()
      write(*,202)’index("is",back=.T.) ....... ’,str2%index("is",back=.TRUE.)
      ! output TYPE(STRING) with %str all uppercase
      write(*,101)’upper ...................... ’,p(str2%upper())
      ! output TYPE(STRING) with %str all miniscule
      write(*,101)’lower ...................... ’,p(str2%lower())
      ! output TYPE(STRING) with %str reversed
      write(*,101)’reverse .................... ’,p(str2%reverse())
      ! same as intrinsic ADJUSTL()
      write(*,101)’adjustl .................... ’,p(str2%adjustl())
      ! same as intrinsic ADJUSTR()
      write(*,101)’adjustr .................... ’,p(str2%adjustr())
      ! center string in current string length
      write(*,101)’adjustc .................... ’,p(str2%adjustc())
      ! center string in string length of NN
      write(*,101)’adjustc(49) ................ ’,p(str2%adjustc(49))
      ! force %str to be NN characters long
      write(*,101)’lenset(49) ................. ’,p(str2%lenset(49))
      ! same as intrinsic TRIM()
      write(*,101)’trim ....................... ’,p(str2%trim())
      ! trim leading and trailing spaces
      write(*,101)’crop ....................... ’,p(str2%crop())
      ! calls M_strings procedure SUBSTITUTE()
      write(*,101)’substitute("This","Here") .. ’,p(str2%substitute("This","Here"))
      ! calls M_strings procedure COMPACT()
      write(*,101)’compact .................... ’,p(str2%compact())
      write(*,101)’compact("") ................ ’,p(str2%compact(""))
      write(*,101)’compact(":") ............... ’,p(str2%compact(":"))
      ! calls M_strings procedure TRANSLITERATE()
      write(*,101)’transliterate("aei","VWX") . ’,p(str2%transliterate("aei","VWX"))
      write(*,101)’transliterate("aeiou"," ") . ’,p(str2%transliterate("aeiou"," "))
      write(*,101)’transliterate("aeiou","") .. ’,p(str2%transliterate("aeiou",""))
      write(*,101)’transliterate(" aeiou","") . ’,p(str2%transliterate(" aeiou",""))
      ! calls M_strings procedure SWITCH()
      write(*,404)’chars .................... . ’,str4%chars()

write(*,*)repeat(’=’,78) str2%str=’\t\tSome tabs\t x\bX ’ write(*,101)’str2%str ................... ’,str2%str write(*,101)’expand ..................... ’,p(str2%expand()) str2=str2%expand() ! calls M_strings procedure NOTABS() write(*,101)’notabs ..................... ’,p(str2%notabs()) ! calls M_strings procedure NOESC() write(*,101)’noesc ...................... ’,p(str2%noesc())

write(*,*)repeat(’=’,78) write(*,*)’Casting to numeric variables’ str3=string(’ 12.345678901234567e1 ’) write(*,101)’str3%str ................... ’,str3%str ! calls M_strings procedure STRING_TO_VALUE() write(*,*)’int ....................... ’, str3%int() ! calls M_strings procedure STRING_TO_VALUE() write(*,*)’real ....................... ’, str3%real() ! calls M_strings procedure STRING_TO_VALUE() write(*,*)’dble ....................... ’, str3%dble()

write(*,*)repeat(’=’,78) write(*,*)’Matching simple globbing patterns’ str3=string(’ 12.345678901234567e1 ’) str3=string(’Four score and seven years ago’) write(*,101)’str3%str ................... ’,str3%str ! calls M_strings procedure MATCHW write(*,*)’match("Fo*") ............... ’, str3%match("Fo*") ! calls M_strings procedure MATCHW write(*,*)’match("and") ............... ’, str3%match("and") ! calls M_strings procedure MATCHW write(*,*)’match("*and*") ............. ’, str3%match("*and*")

101 format(1x,a,"[",a,"]") 202 format(1x,a,i0) 303 format(1x,*(l3)) 404 format(1x,a,*("[",a1,"]":))

write(*,*)repeat(’=’,78) write(*,*)’OVERLOADED OPERATORS (add and subtract,return TYPE(STRING))’ str1%str=’123.456’ str2%str=’AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj’ write(*,101)’str1%str ................... ’,str1%str write(*,101)’str2%str ................... ’,str2%str write(*,*)’str1 + str2 ................ ’,p(str1 + str2) ! a string that looks like a numeric value can have a value added write(*,*)’str1 + 20000 ............... ’,p(str1 +20000) write(*,*)’str1 - 20.0 ................ ’,p(str1 -20.0) write(*,*)’str2 - "Aa" (removes ALL) .. ’,p(str2 - ’Aa’)

write(*,*)repeat(’=’,78) write(*,*)’OVERLOADED OPERATORS (multiply,return TYPE(STRING))’ str1%str=’AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj’ write(*,101)’str1%str ................... ’,str1%str write(*,*)’str1 * 3 ................... ’,p(str1 * 3)

write(*,*)repeat(’=’,78) write(*,*)’OVERLOADED OPERATORS (//,return TYPE(STRING))’ str1%str=’String one:’ str2%str=’String two:’ write(*,101)’str1%str ................... ’,str1%str write(*,101)’str2%str ................... ’,str2%str write(*,*)’str1 // str2 ................ ’,p(str1 // str2) ! numeric values are converted to strings write(*,*)’str1 // 20000 ............... ’,p(str1 // 20000) write(*,*)’str1 // 20.0 ................ ’,p(str1 // 20.0)

write(*,*)repeat(’=’,78) write(*,*)’OVERLOADED OPERATORS (logical comparisons,return logical)’ ! NOTE: comparisons are performed on the character variable members ! of the type(string) str1%str=’abcdefghij’ str2%str=’klmnopqrst’ write(*,101)’str1%str ................... ’,str1%str write(*,101)’str2%str ................... ’,str2%str write(*,*)’: EQ LT GT LE GE NE’ write(*,*)’compare str1 to str1’ write(*,303)str1.eq.str1 ,str1.lt.str1 ,str1.gt.str1 ,str1.le.str1 & & ,str1.ge.str1 ,str1.ne.str1 write(*,*)’compare str1 to str2’ write(*,303)str1.eq.str2 ,str1.lt.str2 ,str1.gt.str2 ,str1.le.str2 & & ,str1.ge.str2 ,str1.ne.str2 write(*,*)’compare str2 to str1’ write(*,303)str2.eq.str1 ,str2.lt.str1 ,str2.gt.str1 ,str2.le.str1 & & ,str2.ge.str1 ,str2.ne.str1


end program demo_M_strings_oop

Expected output

     exercise the M_STRING_OOP module interface
     Call methods of type(STRING)
     str2%str is ................ [   This  is  a  String!             ]
     len ........................ 36
     len_trim ................... 23
     index("is")................. 6
     index("is",back=.T.) ....... 10
     upper ...................... [   THIS  IS  A  STRING!             ]
     lower ...................... [   this  is  a  string!             ]
     reverse .................... [             !gnirtS  a  si  sihT   ]
     adjustl .................... [This  is  a  String!                ]
     adjustr .................... [                This  is  a  String!]
     adjustc .................... [        This  is  a  String!        ]
     adjustc(49) ................ [              This  is  a  String!               ]
     lenset(49) ................. [   This  is  a  String!                          ]
     trim ....................... [   This  is  a  String!]
     crop ....................... [This  is  a  String!]
     substitute("This","Here") .. [   Here  is  a  String!             ]
     compact .................... [This is a String!]
     compact("") ................ [ThisisaString!]
     compact(":") ............... [This:is:a:String!]
     transliterate("aei","VWX") . [   ThXs  Xs  V  StrXng!             ]
     transliterate("aeiou"," ") . [   Th s   s     Str ng!             ]
     transliterate("aeiou","") .. [   Ths  s    Strng!                 ]
     transliterate(" aeiou","") . [ThssStrng!                          ]
     chars .................... . [ ][a][ ][s][t][r][i][n][g][ ]
     str2%str ................... [\t\tSome tabs\t   x\bX ]
     expand ..................... [         Some tabs          x   X]
     notabs ..................... [                Some tabs          x    X]
     noesc ...................... [  Some tabs    x X]
     Casting to numeric variables
     str3%str ................... [   12.345678901234567e1        ]
     int  .......................          123
     real .......................    123.456787
     dble .......................    123.45678901234567
     Matching simple globbing patterns
     str3%str ................... [Four score and seven years ago]
     match("Fo*") ...............  T
     match("and") ...............  F
     match("*and*") .............  T
     OVERLOADED OPERATORS (add and subtract, return TYPE(STRING))
     str1%str ................... [123.456]
     str2%str ................... [AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj]
     str1 + str2 ................ 123.456 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj
     str1 + 20000 ............... 20123.455999999998
     str1 - 20.0 ................ -103.456
     str2 - "Aa" (removes ALL) .. BbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj BbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj
     str1%str ................... [AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj]
     str1 * 3 ................... AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjAaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjAaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj
     str1%str ................... [String one:]
     str2%str ................... [String two:]
     str1 // str2 ................ String one:String two:
     str1 // 20000 ............... String one:20000
     str1 // 20.0 ................ String one:20.0
     OVERLOADED OPERATORS (logical comparisons, return logical)
     str1%str ................... [abcdefghij]
     str2%str ................... [klmnopqrst]
     : EQ LT GT LE GE NE
     compare str1 to str1
     :  T  F  F  T  T  F
     compare str1 to str2
     :  F  T  F  T  F  T
     compare str2 to str1
     :  F  F  T  F  T  T

Expected output


John S. Urban


Public Domain

M_strings_oop (3) March 11, 2021
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