
Manual Reference Pages  - M_pixel (3)


M_pixel(3f) - [M_pixel::INTRO] module for drawing into a pixel array with 2D vector operations (LICENSE:PD)




Module procedures

   use M_writegif, only : writegif

use :: M_pixel, only : drawchar, rect, rdraw2, strlength use :: M_pixel, only : color, mapcolor, clear, draw2 use :: M_pixel, only : circle, circleprecision, arc, getviewport use :: M_pixel, only : viewport, ortho2, rmove2 use :: M_pixel, only : line, linewidth, polyline2, move2 use :: M_pixel, only : move2, draw2, prefsize, vinit use :: M_pixel, only : textang, textsize, drawstr, getgp2 use :: M_pixel, only : vflush, page, point2, getdisplaysize use :: M_pixel, only : poly2, centertext, xcentertext, ycentertext use :: M_pixel, only : makepoly, closepoly, font

use :: M_pixel, only : state, hershey, justfy use :: M_pixel, only : print_ascii, print_ppm, print_p3, print_p6 use :: M_pixel, only : pixel use :: M_pixel, only : hue

! Differences between M_pixel and M_draw and M_draw-related procedures: ! hershey(3f) and justfy(3f) do not exist in M_draw and might be replaced ! and the same font names are not available ! print_ascii(3f) and print_ppm|p3|p6(3f) do not exist in M_draw ! state(3f) does not exist in M_draw ! viewport is in terms of pixels, not range -1.0 to 1.0

Module variables

   use M_pixel, only : P_pixel, P_ColorMap, P_debug


M_pixel(3fm) is intended to produce simple pixel graphics composed of line drawings and polygon fills in two dimensions. It handles circles, curves, arcs, polygons, and software text. It is designed to provide a programming interface very similar to a subset of the VOGLE graphics library (M_pixel does not support objects, interactive graphics, or 3D vectors).

It is primarily intended to provide a simple Fortran-based set of routines that can generate simple graphics that can be written to a GIF file using the writegif(3f) routine.

This is a prototype under construction starting 2017-06, but is already useful. Improvements in line width, dashed lines, polygon fill and higher level graphing routines are being worked on. If anyone is interested in collaborating on the module, contact the author.


Sample program

   program demo_M_pixel
   use M_pixel
   use M_writegif, only :  writegif
   use M_pixel,    only : cosd, sind
   implicit none

integer :: i integer :: j integer :: icolor

! initialize image call prefsize(400,400) ! set size before starting call vinit() ! start graphics call clear(0) ! clear to color 0

! put some colored boxes into pixmap by address ! so show how the pixel map can be edited easily with ! other routines that can manipulate a pixel array. ! The P_pixel array was created when vinit(3f) was called icolor=1 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 P_pixel((i-1)*100+1+3:i*100-3,(j-1)*100+1+3:j*100-3)=icolor icolor=icolor+1 enddo enddo

! map area of virtual world to pixel array ! notice Y-axis for viewport is zero at TOP ! viewport(left, right, bottom, top) call viewport(0.0, 400.0, 400.0, 0.0) ! define the virtual world area we want to work in !ortho2(left, right, bottom, top) call ortho2(0.0, 400.0, 0.0, 400.0) ! the drawing routines use these world units

! draw polar grids call linewidth(100) call color(14) call target(200.0,200.0,200.0)

call linewidth(75) call color(0) call target(100.0,200.0,50.0)

! draw some lines call color(1) call linewidth(200) call line(1.0,1.0,400.0,400.0)

call color(4) call line(350.0,200.0,350.0,300.0)

! print some text call color(1) !call hershey(x,y,height,itext,theta,ntext) call linewidth(125) call hershey(40.0, 40.0,35.0,’Hello World’,0.0,11) call color(7) call linewidth(25) call hershey(40.0, 80.0,35.0,’Hello World’,0.0,11) call linewidth(100) call hershey(40.0,120.0,35.0,’Hello World’,30.0,11)

call hershey( 40.0,350.0,35.0,’\COMPLEX\Hello World’,0.0,20) call hershey( 40.0,310.0,35.0,’\DUPLEX\Hello World’,0.0,19) call hershey( 350.0,400.0,35.0,’\ITALIC\Hello World’,90.0,19) call linewidth(50) call hershey(200.0,120.0,15.0,’\SIMPLEX\Hello World’,20.0,20)

! change background color directly where (P_pixel.eq.0) P_pixel=9 ! write standard gif file call writegif(’M_pixel.3m_pixel.gif’,P_pixel,P_ColorMap)


      subroutine target(xc,yc,rc)
      use M_pixel,    only : cosd, sind
      real     :: xc,yc,rc
      integer  :: i
      real     :: x,y
         do i=0,360,10
            call line(xc,yc,xc+x,yc+y)
         do i=1,int(rc),10
            call circle(xc,yc,real(i))
      end subroutine target
end program demo_M_pixel


John S. Urban


Public Domain

M_pixel (3) March 11, 2021
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