
Manual Reference Pages  - M_overload (3)


M_overload(3fm) - [M_overload] overloads of standard operators and intrinsic procedures (LICENSE:PD)




overloads on LOGICAL values


overloads on INTRINSICS to take strings, logicals, and metamorphic numeric intrinsic values

  int(’string’)   int(logical)   int(class(*))
  real(’string’)  real(logical)  real(class(*))
  dble(’string’)  dble(logical)  dble(class(*))

When sign(3f) is given a single value, call sign(1,value)


Allow strings of different length in MERGE



Operator and function overloads have a wide range of applications from allowing existing Fortran routines to be used with almost no source-code changes to produce versions using arbitrary precision or cumulative error bounds on floating-point calculations to adding intuitive syntax for standard Fortran operations.


==,/= Allow the syntax "L1 == L2" and "L1 /= L2" where L1 and L2 are type LOGICAL as an alternative to the standard expressions "L1 .EQV. L2" and "L1 .NEQV. L2".

It should be pointed out that

              L1 == L2   !! should be L1 .eqv. L2


              L1 /= L2   !! should be L1 .neqv. L2

should NOT work by default; but often do (probably because the compiler silently converts LOGICAL to INTEGER when a LOGICAL appears where a numeric value is required). If your compiler supports this non-standard (but intuitive-looking) syntax you can use this module to allow the syntax in a portable manner with a standard method.
int(), real(), dble()
  allow strings to be converted to numeric values using the standard intrinsic names
  call sign(1,value)

  allows for strings of different lengths


Sample usage:

  program demo_M_overload

use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : & & integer_kinds, int8, int16, int32, int64 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : & & real32, real64, real128 use M_compare_float_numbers, only : operator(.EqualTo.)

! allow strings to be converted to integers use M_overload, only : int ! allow strings to be converted to floating point use M_overload, only : real,dble ! use == like .eqv. use M_overload, only : operator(==) ! use /= like .neqv. use M_overload, only : operator(/=) ! take a single argument use M_overload, only : sign ! allow strings of different length on merge use M_overload, only : merge implicit none character(len=:),allocatable :: cmd character(len=*), parameter :: gen=’(*("[",g0,"]":,","))’

write(*,gen)merge(’a’,’bbbbb’,1.eq.1) write(*,gen)merge(’a’,’bbbbb’,1.eq.2) write(*,gen)merge([’a’,’b’],[’bbbbb’,’ccccc’],1.eq.2)

if(int(’1234’) .eq.1234) & & write(*,*)’int("STRING") works ’ if(real(’1234.56789’) .EqualTo.1234.56789) & & write(*,*)’real("STRING") works ’ if(dble(’1234.5678901234567’).EqualTo.1234.5678901234567d0) & & write(*,*)’dble("STRING") works ’

if (.true. == .true. ) & & write(*,*)’== works like .eqv. for LOGICAL values’ if (.true. /= .false. ) & & write(*,*)’/= works like .neqv. for LOGICAL values’

write(*,*)int([’111’,’222’])+333 write(*,*)real([’111.111’,’222.222’])+333.333 write(*,*)dble([’111.111d0’,’222.222d0’])+333.333d0 write(*,*)dble([character(len=10) :: & & ’111’,’222.222’,’333.333d0’])+444.444d0

write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int8).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int8).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int16).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int16).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int32).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int32).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10_int64).eq.1 & & .and. sign(-10_int64).eq.-1 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10.0_real32).eq.1.0 & & .and. sign(-10.0_real32).eq.-1.0 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10.0_real64).eq.1.0 & & .and. sign(-10.0_real64).eq.-1.0 ) write(*,*) merge(’sign works’,’sign fails’,& & sign(10.0_real128).eq.1.0& & .and. sign(-10.0_real128).eq.-1.0 )


end program demo_M_overload


> [a ]
> [bbbbb]
> [bbbbb],[ccccc]
> int("STRING") works
> real("STRING") works
> dble("STRING") works
> == works like .eqv. for LOGICAL values
> /= works like .neqv. for LOGICAL values
> 444 555
> 444.444000 555.554993
> 444.44400000000002 555.55500000000006
> 555.44399999999996 666.66600000000005 777.77700000000004
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> int("STRING") works
> real("STRING") works
> dble("STRING") works
> == works like .eqv. for LOGICAL values
> /= works like .neqv. for LOGICAL values
> 444 555
> 444.444000 555.554993
> 444.44400000000002 555.55500000000006
> 555.44399999999996 666.66600000000005 777.77700000000004
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works
> sign works > 57 xx -x -y hello there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > 0 0 [xx] > 1 0 [-x] > 2 0 [-y] > 3 0 [hello there] > 4 0 [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> 0 0 [xx
> 1 0 [-x
> 2 0 [-y
  > 3 -1 [hello ther] > 4 -1 [xxxxxxxxxx]
> 0 0 [xx
> 1 0 [-x
> 2 0 [-y
> 3 0 [hello there
  > 4 -1 [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]


John S. Urban


Public Domain

M_overload (3) March 11, 2021
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