
Manual Reference Pages  - M_fixedform (3)


M_fixedform(3fm) - [NCURSES] convert a text block into a TUI (screen interface) (LICENSE:PD)




use :: M_fixedform, only : icount_ptr,page_ptr,page_pd,icount_pd use :: M_fixedform, only : fixedform ,loaddata


M_fixedform(3fm) takes a text block as input, and converts it to a form-like screen interface using the ncurses(3f) library. An appropriate action is taken for each keypress.


Sample program:

   program demo_M_fixedform
   use M_fixedform, only : fixedform, loaddata, icount_ptr, page_ptr, page_pd, icount_pd
   use M_strings, only : split, s2v
   implicit none
   character(len=5),parameter :: &
   & names(10)=[character(len=5) :: "RED","WHITE","BLUE","NAME","DATE","VALUE","EAST","WEST","NORTH","SOUTH"]
   character(len=:),allocatable   :: tabs
   character(len=:),allocatable   :: answers(:) ! output array of tokens
   logical                        :: lanswer
   real                           :: ranswer
   integer                        :: i
   ! make a namelist for the form
   logical                        :: red, white, blue
   character(len=80)              :: name
   character(len=80)              :: date
   real                           :: value
   logical                        :: east, west, north, south
   call make_data()
   call loaddata(’test.dat’)      ! fill the page(*) with user data
   call fixedform(tabs)           ! display the form converted to a TDU

write(*,*)’The field values are returned left to right, top to bottom’ write(*,*)’as a tab-delimited string. The returned string is ...’ write(*,*)tabs write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’=’,80)

write(*,*)’The strings can be read from the string, reformatted as a ’ write(*,*)’NAMELIST string, or parsed.’ write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’=’,80)

write(*,*)’parse string into an array of strings using tab delimiter’ call split(tabs,answers,char(9),nulls=’return’) write(*,*)’ARRAY IS’ write(*,’(i0,t5,a)’)(i,trim(answers(i)),i=1,size(answers)) write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’=’,80)

! different ways of converting the strings to other types

write(*,*)’ convert a T/F string to a logical’ lanswer=answers(1).eq.’T’ write(*,*)’ RED is ’,lanswer ! or use an internal read read(answers(2),*) lanswer write(*,*)’ WHITE is ’,lanswer write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’=’,80)

write(*,*)’ NAME is ’,trim(answers(5)) write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’=’,80)

write(*,*)’ get a numeric value from a string’ ranswer=real(s2v(answers(6))) write(*,*)’ VALUE is ’,ranswer ! or read(answers(6),’(g20.13)’) ranswer write(*,*)’ VALUE is ’,ranswer write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’=’,80)

write(*,*)’write out the data in the form of a namelist file’ NAME=’UNKNOWN’ DATE=’’ VALUE=0.00 !!open(11,status=’scratch’) open(11,file=’form.txt’,action=’readwrite’) write(11,’("&FORM")’) do i=1,size(answers) answers(i)=adjustl(answers(i)) if(answers(i).eq.’’)then write(11,’(*(a))’)"! ",trim(names(i)),’ was blank’ elseif(index(trim(answers(i)),’ ’).ne.0)then write(11,’(*(a))’)trim(names(i)),’="’,trim(answers(i)),’",’ else write(11,’(*(a))’)trim(names(i)),’=’,trim(answers(i)),’,’ endif enddo write(11,’("/")’) ! read the namelist file (an internal file could have been used instead of a file) write(*,*)’read it back in’ rewind(11) read(11,form) write(*,*)’write out namelist using namelist output’ write(*,form) write(*,’(a)’)repeat(’=’,80) contains subroutine make_data() integer,parameter :: LUN=10 integer :: ios open(unit=LUN,file=’test.dat’) write(LUN,’(a)’)[character(len=80) :: & ’@ The simplest use of FIXEDFORM is when a text file is used to define a @’, & ’@ form to be generated much like it could be drawn on paper: @’, & ’################################################################################’, & ’# #’, & ’# ~ A basic form definition: ~ ^ RED #’, & ’# ~ o Underlines become input fields ~ ^ WHITE #’, & ’# ~ o Up-carets become menu options ~ ^ BLUE #’, & ’# ~ o Pound characters define boxes ~ #’, & ’# ~ o Text otherwise displays as-is ~ Connected by pound characters or #’, & ’# ~ for the most part. ~ adjacent to one another, up-carets #’, & ’# Name: ___________________ form a radio button. #’, & ’# Date: ___________________ ####################### #’, & ’# Value: ___________________ ^ ^ ^ ^ #’, & ’# EAST WEST NORTH SOUTH #’, & ’# #’, & ’# When the cursor is over a menu item it is toggled by pressing the space bar. #’, & ’# A tab character moves to the next selectable item. Typing in an input value #’, & ’# changes the value. When the form is complete use the ctrl-S keys to submit. #’, & ’################################################################################’ ] close(unit=LUN,iostat=ios) end subroutine make_data end program demo_M_fixedform

A sample of the output from filling out the screen

   > The field values are returned left to right, top to bottom
   > as a tab-delimited string. The returned string is ...
   > F  F       T       John S. Urban           2018-09-20              13.97                   F       T       F       F
   > The strings can be read from the string, reformatted as a
   > NAMELIST string, or parsed.
   > parse string into an array of strings using tab delimiter
   >1   F
   >2   F
   >3   T
   >4   John S. Urban
   >5   2018-09-20
   >6   13.97
   >7   F
   >8   T
   >9   F
   >10  F
   >  convert a T/F string to a logical
   >  RED is  F
   >  WHITE is  F
   >  NAME is  2018-09-20
   >  get a numeric value from a string
   >  VALUE is    13.9700003
   >  VALUE is    13.9700003
   > write out the data in the form of a namelist file
   > read it back in
   > write out namelist using namelist output
   > RED=F,
   > WHITE=F,
   > BLUE=T,
   > NAME="John S. Urban                                                                   ",
   > DATE="2018-09-20                                                                      ",
   > VALUE=  13.9700003    ,
   > EAST=F,
   > WEST=T,
   > NORTH=F,
   > SOUTH=F,
   > /


John S. Urban


Public Domain

M_fixedform (3) March 11, 2021
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